Then again, that train of thought wasn’t exactly true. Right here, right now, he could die happy. But as long as his heart was still beating, he’d need her by his side. He didn’t know when that realization had finally taken root. Perhaps it had been a culmination of all their quiet moments.
He loved her. He would always love her. Aria had to know. He opened his mouth to tell her just that when she pulled back.
“I’m sorry. But I have to use the restroom.” She smiled up at him, placing her palm against his cheek. “To be continued.”
He chuckled. “I’ll get us some drinks.”
She nodded and away she went. He watched until she disappeared into the crowd of people. They could get through anything as long as he had the patience and she had the stubbornness to do so.
As promised, he headed for the drink area. He ordered two sodas and paid the bartender. After looking around, he moved toward a table on the side of the room. With the drinks situated and his jacket strung over the back of his chair, he took a seat.
This was exactly what they’d needed—time to decompress after the tight spot that Cayden had put Aria in. He tapped his fingers on his knees as he waited. One song shifted into two, then three. He glanced at the clock. Aria shouldn’t be taking this long unless she had some internal distress.
Standing, he made a move to head for the bathroom when he caught sight of her.
And she wasn’t alone.
Cayden’s arm was around her waist in a possessive way. He held her left hand in his and was burying his nose in her hair. They swayed back and forth for a few moments before Cayden lifted his gaze and their eyes locked.
The man smirked, and Daniel saw red.
Marching toward them, he yanked Cayden away from Aria. She cried out—or gasped. He couldn’t be sure if the reaction was from her or someone else. It didn’t matter. Because he was intent on shoving Cayden against the brick wall.
Placing his forearm against Cayden’s neck, he pushed hard until the man clawed at the obstruction to his throat. His feet dangled an inch off the floor and he wheezed something unintelligible.
“You are not to touch her,” Daniel ground out.
Despite the man’s face turning red, he still smirked at Daniel as if he knew something Daniel didn’t.
Daniel shoved harder. “You hear me? You’re not going to talk to her, call her, ask to see her ever again.” He emphasized the last two words. “You’re going to leave this town and never come back.” He was vaguely aware of hands grabbing at him, but he was stronger than whoever it was.
Cayden chuckled, but due to Daniel’s arm placement, it was more of a cough.
“Daniel! Let him go!” Aria’s voice finally filtered through the fog in his mind. A crowd surrounded them and Aria’s hands were wrapped tightly around his upper arm. She tugged and pulled until he glanced toward her.
Eyes flashing with fury, Aria yanked once more, and Daniel released the scum who had attempted to steal her from him.
Cayden coughed again, his hands pawing at his throat as he sucked in gulp after gulp of air. He shot a sinister look in Daniel’s direction but didn’t bother snarling at him like Daniel had expected.
Turning to Aria, Daniel lowered his voice, “The man doesn’t deserve to walk away from this. At least I’m giving him that much.”
She shook her head, her expression hard. “You can’t act that way. It’s not right.”
His brows furrowed. “What? You’re kidding, right? He’s the reason you’ve been in a sour mood the last couple of days. He needs to learn to leave you alone.”
“You got it all wrong, man,” Cayden said, attempting another chuckle. “She’s with me. You’re the one making her miserable.”
The man’s words shouldn’t have struck him as hard as they did. Daniel whipped his eyes to Aria, searching, asking, demanding an explanation.
She only looked away.
“Aria, talk to me,” he pleaded.
Cayden laughed again. “Get the hint?—”
He growled and took a step toward the miscreant, but Aria’s hand grabbed his and pulled him aside. Almost immediately, she released him. Then she lifted her sad gaze to meet his.
Aria’s jaw trembled but only briefly. She lifted her chin and spoke calmly. “Cayden can give me things I deserve.”