To be abused by someone she was supposed to trust had to have been the worst thing in the world to experience—even worse than being abandoned.
Daniel felt sick again, thinking about the people in her life who had wronged her. He wished he could protect her from it—to take her under his wing and keep her safe from anything that might happen in the future.
This new sensation was more than strange. It went against everything he’d felt for Aria since he’d met her. He glanced over his shoulder toward her as more footsteps arrived. Camilla was younger than Aria, the fourth Palmer out of six. Her position here was to train the dogs to work on a ranch. She gave them the foundations they needed to become working dogs under the guidance of Mateo and Roman.
For the most part, she’d kept to herself while he’d been helping out. Camilla looked much like the rest of her family—her Hispanic heritage showing through. Black hair framed her face, making her dark eyes shine. She folded her arms atop the corral fencing and peered up at Aria. “I was thinking about going out tonight if you’re up for it. I know you used to drag Sophia out to go dancing—you wanna go?”
Daniel stiffened.
Not again.
Chances were high that Brett would be hanging around, and there was no telling what he might do if Aria made another appearance.
His focus shifted from Camilla to Aria. No surprise that the latter didn’t bother looking in his direction. Aria shiftedher weight and seemed to be considering what her cousin was asking. Good. She was probably recalling what had happened the last time she was there.
What is she thinking?
Camilla grinned. “Great. Seven work for you? Or is eight better?” She glanced in Daniel’s direction. “I know you’re making dinner for Daniel.”
Finally, Aria seemed to remember he was standing right there. Her eyes cut to his and she stilled. It gave him pause, and he realized he was scowling at them. Forcing himself to smooth his features, he turned his back, his ears still prickled as he strained to hear their conversation.
“Yeah, that works.”
The second Camilla was gone, Daniel strode toward Aria. “You shouldn’t go.”
Aria laughed. “Um, thanks for your opinion, but I’m going.”
He dragged a hand down his face. Her tone of voice made it perfectly clear. She wasn’t going to heed his warning. Again. “Fine,” he said, trying not to roll his eyes. “I’m going too.”
“What? No, you’re not.”
He smirked at her, but it was void of true amusement. “If I can’t stop you from going, what makes you think you can stop me?”
She opened her mouth—probably to retort—and then snapped it shut. Aria rolled her eyes and hopped down. “Whatever.”
Daniel was really startingto hate this place. Sure, as far as places where the younger crowd liked to hang out and meetpeople went, the country club in Copper Creek was great. It wasn’t dark and seedy like most of the places he’d heard existed in the city, but it was still a place where people could pull another person close and not fight the urges that slithered through them.
He’d long since given up the idea of finding someone to love. He wasn’t exactly the kind of guy that girls in Copper Creek went after. He didn’t have money or a piece of land to his name. He wasn’t a coveted horse wrangler or rodeo star.
He was just… Daniel.
The only thing he had going for himself was his looks. That was about where it ended. So he stood back against the wall, in the shadows, as he watched Aria flirt with any guy who was willing to take a shot—irritated far more than he cared to admit.
His jaw worked when the guy dancing with her let his hand slide a little too low on her back. Daniel took a step away from the wall, his hand tightening on the drink he held. Then he noticed that Aria didn’t seem to mind.
Forgetting how to breathe, he considered what would happen if he stepped in and tore the guy from Aria’s embrace. She’d probably get mad at him. Heck, she might even slap him if the look on her face was any indication of how much she was enjoying herself.
Daniel shut his eyes and shook his head. He couldn’t let this play out. Visions of how Brett had attempted to take advantage of her drifted through his mind, making him sick to his stomach.
Nope. This wasn’t happening again.
He placed his drink on a nearby table with enough force that the liquid sloshed over the side, and then made his way toward the couple. The man in question was almost exactly as tall as Aria was, which meant he was a good head shorter than Daniel.
Daniel placed a firm hand on the man’s shoulder and guided him back a step.
The guy stumbled slightly, his hold on Aria slipping in his surprise.