The difference between the two of them was that she refused to drag that sort of information out of him. He could keep his secrets as long as they weren’t the sort that hurt others.
Aria couldn’t help but feel they were similar in certain ways. While she hid behind an outgoing and happy alter ego, he did his hiding behind grim expressions and tight lips. Was it possible that he felt the connection she could sense growing between them?
She caught him watching her, his brows furrowed. Cornered by his scrutiny, she let out a laugh. “Sheesh. You’re too serious.”
“And maybe you aren’t serious enough.” His words dug at her, making her stomach churn.
Snatching a hand towel, she smirked at him. After drying her hands, she threw it in his face. He grunted, catching it as it fell into his hands. “You’re serious enough for the both of us.”
“It’s okay to be upset sometimes.”
“I’m not upset,” she brushed him off, moving toward the smaller living room rather than the door like she’d insisted she’d be doing only twenty minutes ago. “I have no reason to be upset.” Aria could feel his eyes drilling into the back of her skull. It unnerved her more than she cared to admit. There was no way he’d get her to say she was terrified that her father would be released. Or that her manipulative ex was somehow involved in the whole mess.
Daniel didn’t need her life story. He didn’t need another reason to pity her.
Plopping down on the couch, she reached for the only book Daniel had brought here. This time, there were two pages sticking out of it. Curiosity got the better of her, and she plucked them both free. The first was the beautiful house she’d seen before. When she slipped it under the second, she gasped.
The second picture was even more detailed than the first. It was larger—as if it was meant to be built for a big family. Everything from the shingles on the roof to the light sconces on either side of the door had been added.
Daniel’s presence moved closer, and the cushion beside her dipped as he took a seat next to her. She glanced at him, turning the picture so he could see what she was staring at. “This is beautiful. You have a real eye for this sort of thing. I can’t believe you never went to school for it.”
He shrugged.
Aria shook her head. “Don’t you get it? This is… so good.”
A corner of his mouth quirked upward. “You’re the first person who’s really seen any of my drawings.”
She nearly dropped the picture with that confession. “Your family?—”
Slowly, he shook his head. “They know I’m interested in architecture, but… this?” He gestured toward the picture. “I don’t know that they’d care.”
Aria scoffed. “I doubt that.” She turned back to the picture and traced over the porch swing. “It almost looks like your house—just upgraded.”
“There are parts of my house in that picture, yes.”
She smiled. “Well, one day when I decide to settle down, I’ll reach out to you to help me design something.”
“I don’t have the certifications?—”
An unladylike snort burst from her. “You don’t need a certification to design a concept.” Then she grinned at him. “Besides, I’m probably not going to have the money for something this lovely. But it’s a nice dream.”
They were quiet for a moment, and then he inched closer to her. “Do you have other dreams?”
Aria placed the picture back on the table and picked up the book, flipping through it absentmindedly. She lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know that I have any.”
“Everyone has dreams,” he insisted.
She shook her head. “Not me.”
He frowned and that look of concern returned.
Aria ignored it. “I can’t believe you’re self-taught. Think about how far you could go if you’d get whatever certification you need.”
“Aria,” he said gruffly, drawing her attention.
She stiffened and stared at him, the pages of the book snapping shut. “What?”
“We’ve already discussed why my dreams aren’t a possibility. I want to know about yours.”