He knew he couldn’t let her go out there alone with that man.
Part of him wished he could let her be, like she requested, but it seemed his feet had a different plan.
Daniel moved closer to the door, and the second he stepped through, he saw Brett attempting to kiss her.
“Brett, no. I said I didn’t?—”
Daniel stalked toward the couple. He vaguely noticed the way that Aria seemed to short-circuit. Her hands had dropped to her sides, and her eyes shut tight when Brett grabbed her upper arms to pull her close.
Fury sparked in Daniel’s gaze and his vision turned red. His hand wrapped around the man’s collar, and he yanked him away from Aria only to release him. The momentum had Brett landing on his backside with an almost comically stunned look on his face.
Daniel whirled to face him, keeping his back to Aria as he stared down the man who didn’t seem to know the meaning of the word “no.” He breathed in deeply, his chest heaving.
Below him, Brett’s startled expression shifted into fury as he scrambled to his feet. “Keagan,” he spat, “I know this might be a new concept to you, but you can’t steal anymore. You’ll be tried as an adult.” He dusted himself off, then sneered at Daniel with clear disdain. “If you’ll kindly leave us, I’d like to get back to my date.”
“Think again,” Daniel ground out.
The man had the gall to laugh and then tilt his head in an attempt to see Aria better. “Sweetheart, come on. Another song started.”
Daniel moved between them, then took a swift step toward Brett, who scuttled backward. Oh, how the tables had turned. His former bully’s eyes flashed with warning. But when Aria didn’t immediately run into his arms, he huffed. “Whatever. There are prettier girls inside anyway.” He spun on his heel and left them alone.
Before Aria had a chance to speak, Daniel muttered, “Come on. We’re leaving.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“If you think I’m getting in the truck with you right now, you’re wrong.”
He turned to face her. “This isn’t up for discussion.”
Her mouth dropped open.
“If I have to throw you over my shoulder to get you to my truck, I will. I’m not spending another second here, and neither are you.” He reached a hand out to her. She stared at it with venom in her gaze, then huffed and pushed past him.
Thankfully, she moved through the country club toward the exit. He followed close enough behind to ensure Brett wouldn’t try anything. They drove home in silence, and when he left her at the door, she gave him one last poisonous stare before she charged inside and shut the door behind her.
Why she was mad at him, he wasn’t sure. Except that maybe she didn’t like the fact that he was right about Brett.
Aria wasn’t mad.
Wounded? Yes.
Mortified? Most definitely.
While she’d gone on several first dates with men after Cayden, she’d never had the displeasure of meeting one like Brett. The guy was too confident and not respectful enough. Cayden had controlled her through mental warfare. She’d never feared for her physical safety. He’d grabbed her once or twice but never trulyharmedher to leave bruises like her father had done to her mother.
She dug her hands into her hair as she sat hunched over on the edge of Sophia’s bed, her elbows on her knees.
Brett had been dangerous, and she had been so, so wrong about him. She would never admit it to Daniel, but he’d probably saved her from something more malicious than she wanted to admit. It turned her stomach inside out just thinking about what could have happened.
A groan slipped from her lips, and she shoved off the bed to move to her window. It was dark out. The cabin was hidden from view via trees and distance. She didn’t know what she expected to see when she looked out the window. Of course she wouldn’t see him. It was probably a good thing, too. Daniel might have helped her, but he still seemed like someone who used threats and force to get what he wanted.
Her neck became tense at the thought of needing him to save her. She would have been fine. She’d had a momentary lapse in judgment; that was all.