“Have you ever seen me cry?” The answer is no, because I don’t show weakness.
My sister’s teary, but her mascara remains in place. Her dowdy chestnut dress would blend marvelously with pumpkins. It’s November, but still. “Is brown the new black?”
“I’m hungover.”
Do I even want to know?
“And brown is darkish. It’s acceptable.”
“Who were you drinking with?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, brother dearest?” Lina has the wisdom to maintain a somber expression, but there’s no doubt she’s grinning like a deranged lunatic on her devilish inside.
I’ll need to ask Ash. As head of my security, he’ll know. I spent the night in London and flew the Gagliano clan to our estate this morning.
“Please do me a favor?—”
“I’m not abstaining from alcohol.”
I release a deep breath to lower my skyrocketing blood pressure. “Please cozy up to Scarlet. Befriend her when the service ends? I need to speak with her uncle.”
“The ginger?”
“Pretty sure you can speak to whoever you like. Don’t need me to act on your stage.”
“Lina.” Her eyes flit up to me, giving me a direct view of a mascara clump on her right upper lash.
“You’re quite serious.” Her eyes widen with realization.
No fuck.
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’ll cozy.” Her words aim to placate me, but her tone does the opposite.
My mobile vibrates in my outer coat pocket. No one’s paying us any attention, so I pull out the device and check it.
Unknown number
Light drizzle and winds expected this evening.
Shall we reschedule?
Unknown number
Your call. You’re the one flying.
The family rises and surrounds the priest.
A black sedan rolls into view, parking behind the line of limousines stretching along the lane.
The driver exits, and recognition flairs. Dorian. My old mate from school. An American. What’s he doing here? And he’s driving himself. He must’ve showed up at the house and they sent him here.
I gesture with my hand, letting him know he’s been seen. Chap has terrible timing. The funeral is wrapping up, and there are things I need to say. He’ll need to wait.
I position myself between the family and the limousines.