I possess medical training. I trained as a nurse until accounting became far preferable to mending Lupi Grigi men.
Pull it together.
I bend beside her and place my fingers against her throat, searching for a pulse.
Her lips are dark. As are her nail beds. My index finger digs into her still-warm skin, and I examine the protruding needle.
It must be heroin. Has to be.
Beneath my fingers, there’s a pulse.
I yank out the needle and scan the stall.
She’s overdosed.
“Helloooo!” I scream. If anyone is here, I need help. I can’t carry her back to the house by myself.
A horse neighs. Dog runs in, tail wagging, nose in my face.
I brush him away from my face and stand. “Stay with her. I’ll be right back.”
I take off running as fast as I can in the unwieldy Wellies. It’s possible Nick has Naloxone. If he doesn’t have the drug on hand, he’ll have to help me load her into a car. How far away is the hospital?
I sling the door open and let out a blood-curdling scream. “Nick!”
Shrill shouting penetrates the glass.
Bloody hell.
I towel off and snatch trousers and a shirt, dressing like there’s a fire.
I sprint through the back of the house.
What the fuck’s going on?
An attack?
Where’s Ash?
If they sent someone, so help me…
I burst through the back hall.
Scarlet’s hands cup her mouth like a megaphone. Eyes wide.
I scan behind her. There’s nothing. No one.
“It’s Lina.”