Page 73 of Scarlet Angel

Who am I kidding? None of it’s simple. But I don’t regret standing up for myself. And his reaction to me saying no? Well…a smile keeps breaking free.

After I shower, I wander through the house with that silly smile popping up at random. Walking down the hall. Pouring myself coffee. Passing Nick’s closed office door.

I need fresh air. Some exercise. The day is overcast, as it has been since I arrived. I hold a finger up to test the air—it’s dry. The absence of drizzle is an improvement. Wearing an old pair of Wellies that sit by the side door, I cross through the garden and down the path to the stable.

Dog comes trotting up, tail wagging.

“Hello there.”

He jumps up, his front paws landing on my front.

“Down, boy.” I can’t imagine that’s approved behavior.

Obedient, his paws hit the ground, his lolling tongue saying he’s not in the least bothered by my reprimand.

He trots ahead and pauses, waiting for me, tail wagging.

“You must want food.” Or no, he wouldn’t look to me for food. I’ve never fed an animal on the premises. “Don’t want to be alone?”

A horse neighs, but Dog’s attention doesn’t stray.

I reach him and scratch behind his ears. His tail wags back and forth. Lina told me Dog showed up one day and never left.

“We’re both strays, the pair of us,” I tell him.

He trots ahead, tail wagging, and I follow.

The breezeway door is open, which it always seems to be. I suppose on bad weather days they must close it to keep the animals warm and dry.

I’ve never ridden a horse and have no intention of saddling one up, but I’m growing fond of the scent of leather and hay, and even the earthy smell of manure. I can see why Lina spends most of her time here.

It’s interesting. I’ve perused her influencer posts, and they are all about clothes, cosmetics, and nightlife. But I bet she could have some fantastic videos of the animals, or even of her trail rides. Perhaps those videos wouldn’t resonate with her target market.

Lina’s horse’s head hangs over the stall door. I reach up to pet him, but he jerks, and I back away. He’s a beautiful boy. Ebony eyes, glistening black fur. A light coat of dust reflects the sun when it hits right. If I had the nerve to reach over the stall door and pat his neck, I bet a cloud of dust would rise.

His nostrils flair, and I back away, heeding the warning. Lina said he’s friendly, but all the same, I won’t risk those enormous teeth clamping down on me.

Dog trots ahead, out of sight.

I move on, intent on reaching the trail. There’s a chill in the air, but once I strike out on the path, I should warm right up.

A dusty black boot pointed skyward atop the shavings in an empty stall catches my eye.


I circle back and see Jodhpurs.

My heart kicks up a notch.


I round the corner.

Lina lies in the shavings. But it’s her pale arm that slows time. A needle juts from it. Her eyes are closed.

I reach for the wall to steady myself and blink off the wave of dizziness.

“Christ. Lina.”