Page 7 of Scarlet Angel

“I speak of someone else.” He traces the base of his glass with his index finger, giving me a moment to process. “It’s my understanding that you possess knowledge that could be beneficial to my purposes.”

I’m the bookkeeper for my uncle’s business, Titan Shipping, and a handful of other small-scale mafia-run businesses, laundromats, and tours. Understanding dawns.

“Are you amenable to my proposition?” Dark, sinful eyes center on me, and the earlier chills intensify.

“What if I told my uncle about your proposal? Why risk your life?”

“First, I’d deny it. Second, from what Leo shared, you have reason to hate them more than I do. Even more so now. Your logic is spot on. Bad weather was not a contributing factor to the accident.”

“Massimo,” I whisper, and the name rings of an evil incantation.

“Let’s work together, angel.” His deep voice drips with temptation.

He can’t possibly know how desperately I’ve wanted to bring them all down, or how I’ve trained and positioned myself to accomplish the task.

Energy buzzes between us as I weigh the risks. Nikolai has no reason to lie, unless Massimo put him up to it, but Massimo has disregarded me for years. I’m dead to the man. A useless, spent woman. Do I believe Nikolai? Would Massimo risk creating an enemy? Yes, Massimo is foolish enough to forge a dangerous enemy. I am living proof.

When I look into Nikolai’s gray eyes, I see determination. He’s intent, and so am I. Nikolai Ivanov may be the partner I didn’t dare pray would arrive. I’ve been planning a solo war, and now I’ve been gifted a powerful knight.

I tap my glass against his. “Let’s.”

“Would you care to come up to my room?”

“No.” I look directly at him, wiping that too-confident and smarmy expression right off his face. My free hand rises in full orchestra mode, insisting he pause. “You may be the ally I’ve been seeking, but there will be no bedroom visits. Nothing of the sort. That is not what I am agreeing to.”

He holds both hands up in a defensive gesture, sloshing his drink with the movement.

“I understand. I meant nothing by it. I was simply suggesting we could talk in private.”


“Let’s talk tomorrow in my office.” He lowers his hands, and I slide off my stool and get the bartender’s attention.

“Can I carry this to my room?”

“Oh, that’s unnecessary,” Nikolai rushes to say.

I pointedly shoot him a glare. I am not one of those women who feigns politeness. No, I have zero fucks to give. I ran out years ago.

“Stay. Enjoy your drink with company,” he urges.

“I’d rather not.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Go up to my room and enjoy my drink with my book.”

“Oh, come now. Surely I’m more entertaining than a book.”

“I assure you that’s not the case.”

He laughs.

I depart.

On my way to the lift, I find myself smiling.

Come up to my room to talk business.