A dark figure reclines in the armchair.
My throat constricts. I force myself to swallow.
Is he… “Are you angry?”
“Why would I be angry, love?”
I scramble from the center of the bed to the edge.
“You didn’t need to drug me. You could’ve asked, and I would’ve answered, and I wouldn’t have woken with a pounding headache and blue balls.”
“I needed the truth.” I dry my clammy palm on the silk sheet. “I needed to know you were telling me the truth.”
“Trust an issue, eh?”
“I’m sorry, I?—”
“Gave me an erotic memory for the record books. Trouble is, I don’t know what’s real. Don’t remember what I told you.”
“Not much.”
“I have a bad feeling that my memory of sinking inside you isn’t real and that perhaps I shot my load without ever entering heaven.”
I restrain my smile. “I don’t believe that happened.”
“Thank god for small favors. Let’s see…I felt your breast. True?”
The feel of his rough skin on my breasts hits with intense vividness. “Yes,” I breathe out.
“Perfect size. Fills my palm. And your hips…you ah…”
“Wanted to keep you talking.”
“Did it work?”
“What’d you give me?”
“The men call it Mind Eraser.”
“Rohypnol? Date rape drug?”
“Version of it.”
“You packed it?”
Her slender shoulders lift. “Best to be prepared. I carry aspirin, too.”
I scratch my jaw.What’s important here?
“Do you trust me now?”
“I suppose.”