“Never.” Fuck, my dick aches to be inside her.
“If it was your life?—”
“I’ll let no one hurt you, love. Saint’s honor. Can we shag?”
Please tell me I’ve answered enough questions.
“You’ve no idea how desperately I want to be inside you.”
She bends her head, and those radiant coppery strands cast about like a halo. I glimpse eyes so dark they’re almost black, and then her lips fall to mine.
Soft and gentle.
Oh, thank god.
My thumb finds her nipple, and as I brush over the tender peak, her hips coax my cock, and we both moan.
And then she’s up. I want her so badly, but my limbs are heavy.
“Where are you going?”
“To get you some water.”
“But you kissed me,” I whine.
“I wanted to know what it felt like.”
“But there’s more we need to feel.” I’ve never wanted a bird to bounce up and down on me more than I want this one.
“I’ll be right back. Stay there and wait for me.” Her lips curve into a smile as she adds the endearment, “Love.”
Is she mocking me? Why do I feel so groggy?Bloody hell. The vixen drugged me.
I wake in the middle of the night.
Alarm filters through my pores. A chill infiltrates the sheets. Silhouettes form in the dark.
Someone is in here.
I scramble, reaching for the handgun beneath the pillow.
Smooth linen glides beneath my fingers. I stretch, grasping.
Where’d it go?
The pillow lands on the floor.
“Looking for this?”
I scream.
Breathless, my vision adjusts, sharpening the shadows.