Page 59 of Scarlet Angel

“Christ,” he grumbles.

“Too much?”

“No, no. Feels good.”

“You’re stressed.” I’ve read about knots in muscles, and have them, too, but his shoulders feel like a steel rod. He bends his head forward, and I dig into the firm muscle along his neck. My fingers drift of their own accord into his thick hair at the base of his neck, eliciting a groan.

“Do you like that?”

“Fuck yes.”

As I work his muscles, a thought comes to mind. Or rather, it’s a vision that flies to me from the skies. It’s of me kneeling before him, taking him into my mouth. I imagine he’d be shocked. Pleased, but shocked.

I’ve never willingly given a man oral sex. I doubt I’d be any good. Buried memories threaten to spring forward, and I force my gaze skyward.

I am strong. I beat him.

“Oh, my word. You have magic hands. Has anyone told you that?”

He brings me back into the moment, but this time when I smile, my eyes threaten to water.

“Can’t say they have.”

“It’s a crime.”

Is that why I’m here seeking revenge? Because I haven’t been valued? No, I’m here because I’ve been underestimated. They thought they could treat me as a disposable asset, my only value tied to my virginity and ability to birth children. They have never been more wrong.

He catches my hand and presses his lips to my palm. The pressure radiates through my body, a sensuous pulse that awakens every nerve ending.

“Thank you.”

Blithe, casual commentary circles in my head. Standard quips for civilized society.

Anytime. No problem. Of course.

But my throat is too tight and my mouth dry, so I back away and retreat to my room.



The scroll on the silent television reads like an apocalypse.

Worldwide outages.

London Stock Exchange closed.

SIX Swiss Exchanges closed.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange closed.

Fears in the US triggering a sell-off.

Cyberterrorists expected. Authorities investigating.

On the screen, a reporter approaches a woman leaving a Starbucks. She smiles and says her office let out early.

My satellite phone rings and I answer immediately.