“At the?—”
“Papa wasn’t at the office, so he came here. To the house. He’s furious. He’ll send someone to retrieve you if you don’t return.”
“Why?” A sense of dread coils in my stomach. Have they launched an investigation? Does Massimo know what evidence they possess?
“I don’t know. Papa’s away on business, and Massimo won’t talk to me.”
That’s because Massimo is an ass. Sure, he’s capo, but he’s a narcissistic jerk who won’t deign to talk to those at the bottom of his organization. Our old capo wasn’t like that at all. He knew everyone’s name. I wouldn’t say he was friends with everyone, but his strength was in building unity. Massimo derives strength from fear.
“You need to leave. Get a flight today.”
“I’m not coming back there, Orlando.”
“That was your plan all along, wasn’t it? It had nothing to do with you being distraught over Willow.” There’s a pause. “Or my ceremony.”
“Orlando, come on. You have to see that I don’t belong in thefamiglia.”
After I killed Vincent, my friends disappeared, proving they weren’t friends at all. The only ones who speak to me are those within the Gagliano estate or at the office.
“If you don’t come home, Massimo may send me to get you.”
“I’m not an object to be retrieved.”
“Scarlet, you’ll be lucky if it’s me he sends.”
The Lupi Grigi grows cruel men. I should know, I married one of them.
“Orlando, tell me something good. That’s why I called.”
“Ma sei fuori di testa?Your mother isn’t saying much, but she’s walking around like she’s already attended your funeral.”
“No, I have not lost my mind, and I assure you, her sorrow is not for me.”
“Well, mine is. You’re one of the good ones. Don’t force Massimo to make an example of you.”
“Why does he want me back?” Is this territorial, or has he gotten wind of the evidence?
“If I were to guess, I’d say he doesn’t like you hanging out with the people responsible for his brother’s death.”
Ah, so Orlando knows nothing.
“Scarlet, please. Come home. If he sends men to get you, it won’t go well.”
“Why do you want to become one of them?” At least his sister had the guts to get out, although that didn’t work out well for her either.
Silence descends. I check the mobile to see if he’s ended the call. He hasn’t, so I wait. There could be someone around him. Or maybe he simply doesn’t have an answer.
“Why do you think there’s a choice?” His voice is so low, I barely hear the question.
“Because there’s always a choice.”
“You should’ve played chess more.”
“That would have required spending time with your father.”
“Contrary to what you believe, Papa’s not a bad man.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. They’re all evil.”