Page 41 of Scarlet Angel

She gives me her piss-off expression.

“What did you do?” Yes, I’m suspicious.

“That’s not your business, is it?”

I pay all her bills, but that’s an explosive argument. “Who shoved a stick up your arse?”

“Amir insisted I return home. Because of you. You treat me like a child. Like I don’t matter. You don’t want me near you, you just want me here. Why? What is it with you and control?”

My nerves go on high alert. I step closer, wrap my fingers around her wrist, and squeeze until she raises her head. Her pupils are blown. Bloody hell.

“Are you high?”

“I hate you,” she grits, snatching her wrist from my grip and wrapping her arms around herself like a spoilt child. “You always assume the worst.”

Fuck all. I pat my jacket for my mobile. Amir has some explaining to do.

In my periphery, movement catches my attention. It’s Scarlet. She scratches Dog’s ear, straightens, and slings a stick. Dog’s tail wags back and forth, happy as I’ve ever seen it.

Lina follows my gaze. A good thing. She can’t be that wasted if she’s aware enough to observe someone approach.

“See something you want to fuck?”

Perhaps sobriety isn’t such a good thing.

“Watch it, Lina.”


“Show her respect.”

“You fancy her.”

She’s attractive, I’ll not deny it.

“Brother dearest has a crush,” Lina says. She commences with giggling like a schoolgirl while stifling the noise with her hand over her mouth. She wobbles and loses her balance, catching herself on the bench. “Oh, dear,” she says through giggles.

I don’t know what she’s on, but she’s off.

“Lina,” I growl. “She’s doing me a favor. That’s all.”

“And it’s all about you, right? What favor exactly?” She grins. “Did she?—”

“Lina. One more word, and I slice and dice your cards.”

“You and your money. It’s always about money.”

“Christ, Lina. She’s my guest. Treat her well.”

“Aye aye, big brother.”

Scarlet approaches with slow, steady steps. Her gaze flits between Lina and me.

“I’m going to the kitchen. Want me to check on anything?”

“I’m starving,” Lina says, popping up off the bench with far too much gusto. “I’ll go with you.”

I wait for Lina and Scarlet to traverse the garden path. When they’re out of sight, I pluck my mobile and locate Amir Nooyi in my contact list. I want to know exactly what he did with Lina. If he gave her anything stronger than weed, I’m going the strangle the fucker.