Nick’s jaw clenches.
He blinks. Rubs his eyes.
“I dare you to fight me on this.”
His face softens. Resigned. “If I believed these blokes could keep you safer than I can, I’d fight you tooth and nail on that, love. As it is, there are too many parties here. I’ll keep you safe.”
“And you won’t consider a new start? There’s a lot of shit going down, Falcon. We could use you. You and I both know you don’t give a flying fuck about your businesses.” Leo’s voice comes through strong.
“Disappearing’s not an option,” Nick says.
“Copy that,” another male American voice says. “So, what’s the plan? Where do you want to go? You’re tracking due west at the moment.”
“And to confirm,” Leo breaks in, “it’s the two of you? You’re not separating? Safest option?—”
“We’re not separating,” I cut Leo off and meet Nick’s gaze dead on.
“Seems I can’t shake my angel,” he says, the corners of his lips tugging upwards.
“No, you can’t.”
“You heard her, mate. Seems you’re not the only lucky bastard.”
“The world’s changed mighty fast,” my old friend says.
“Yeah. I’d say so.” I smash my lips against Scarlet’s and grin. I have half a mind to carry her into the back space and give the ops team an earful, but there’s no time.
“Where are you thinking?” Leo asks.
“My original plan had been to holiday until the controversy died down. I’ve got a spot that shouldn't be connected to me.”
“How secure on that are you? The explosions launched a press field day. Lots of speculation. BBC has a quote from the Ministry of Defense saying terrorism has not been ruled out. A zealous reporter dug up your Russian connections.”
A female voice weighs in. “So far, we’ve only picked that up on fringe media sites.”
“Only a matter of time before the networks validate it,” I say. “I didn’t hide my ancestry. My last name’s Ivanov, for Christ’s sake. It’s the Russian equivalent of Smith. What’s the casualty count? Have they said?”
“Hasn’t been released. If terrorism is on the table, they’ll be tight-lipped as long as they can,” the woman says.
“And what did you say your name is?” It’s unnerving to speak into a void and not know all the participants. These damn Americans are bloody informal.
“Kairi. I’m with Arrow Tactical. Everyone on the line except for Nomad is with Arrow Tactical.”
“Right. And you are the US government?”
“No,” Kairi says. “We’re a private operations group. We take on odd jobs. And right now, helping you is one of those jobs.”
“And you’re helping me…why exactly?”
“You helped us,” Tristan says.
“I owe you for my life. And my wife,” Leo pipes in.
“And now you’re a goddamn rhyming poet,” I say.