We stare at each other, gazes hard and firm, only his burns through my skin and singes my heart.
I nod confirmation.We’ll be all right.
He pulls me to him, pressing my face to his, one hand on the back of my head and one on my back.
“I love you, Angel.”
Just as quickly, he releases me and slides the door open.
The man behind the computer says, “If you’re ready, I’m going to dial in the team. Won’t mess with video, as we’re in transit.”
The driver of the van remains focused, intent on the road.
“Works for us,” Nick says.
Nick’s strong hand nestles into my lower back, and the warmth eases the tension. He guides me to a bench that runs against the side of the van opposite Sophia and her computer terminal.
There’s a click and then Sophia says, “I’ve got Angel and Falcon here. Ready to chat.”
“Excellent. Angel, let’s talk about your options first.”
“Why me?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Nick says, practically speaking over me.
I shoot Nick a glare, but he unwisely ignores it.
“Angel, this is Nomad. I’d like to move you into protective custody.”
Ah, Tristan. “What about Falcon?”
“If he’s game to walk away from his businesses?—”
“No,” Nick says. “I’m not running from this. But it’s a good idea for Angel, temporarily, if you can do it right. Like we discussed.”
“No,” I interject. “And don’t talk over me as if I’m not a human being with value.”
“You have a tremendous value, and that’s why we’re talking about you first. You are the highest priority,” Nick argues, the blue in his eyes icier than I’ve ever seen. It’s like we didn’t just have an argument and make up.
“All right, you two. Good to see you’ve bonded. But we’ve got some decisions coming up. Need to decide which direction this caravan is going and need to get teams in place to assist.”
I recognize that American twang. “Leo?”
“Hi there, Angel. Might as well tell you now that we heard your discussion. You’re in a souped-up van. You’ll do well to keep that in mind later tonight. As for the one you were asking about, she’s good, and I want to keep her that way, so from here on out, if you ever need a name for me, it’s Saint. Alrighty?”
“She’s nodding,” Sophia says. “There’s no video. You’ve got to use your voice.”
“When this is over, can I?—”
“Let’s discuss that later. You two open to new identities? It would mean leaving everything you know behind,” Leo says.
“What’re you offering? Greater protection than what Nomad can provide? Or are you speaking for his employer?” I ask, careful to avoid saying the word Interpol lest that be a keyword that’s being searched.
“Until the case, WITSEC is an option.”
“WITSEC isn’t the worst idea,” Nick says.
“I never imagined an ending where I floated to the clouds unscathed.” I scowl at Nick. “Let’s stop circling. I’m staying with you.”