“Scarlet, open the back again. Find my regular mobile. It’s an iPhone. The one from the tunnel. Check that it’s on.”
“Where are you?”
“Can you trace my iPhone?”
“Your common business line?”
“That’s the one.”
The lights behind me blur the entire rearview and side views.
“Do it,” I say.
“Do you trust the authorities? I can get them to you in minutes.”
A shot rings through the air.
“Are you being shot at?”
“Appears so.”
Scarlet’s arse shoots up.
“Get down!”
Her feet pass my head as she hits the back.
“Keep the line open,” Nomad says.
The back glass of the vehicle shatters.
I floor the clunker, and the engine roars.
A burst of air to my left snatches my attention.
Scarlet hangs out the window.
Bloody hell.
Shots ring out.
Bam. Bam. Bam.
The lights behind us swerve to the woods.
Scarlet pulls herself back in.
Bloody hell!“You fucking do that again and I will shoot you myself!”
She sits by the back passenger door, cranking the window up.
“Did you see that? I got the wheels. Do you know what a hard shot that is?” She sounds bloody fucking happy.
“I’ll show you a hard shot. What the hell were you thinking?”