While I’d like to beat him to a pulp and toss him on his arse, I can’t exactly afford to turn my back on a member of the syndicate.
“For the record, I support you. What you’re doing with the Italians helps me.”
“I’m well aware.” That’s why I read him in in the first place. Of course, that was before the fuck played Lina.
His gaze goes to the sky, then he clocks the men standing around us.
“You can’t stay here,” he says to me. “You should go…until things calm down.”
Curious advice. “What do you know?”
Unexpected visits from two alliance members on the day drones drop bombs… What the bloody hell are they up to?
“Unless you’ve got a safe house on the premises, you should go. Take a holiday,” Amir says.
“Who’s behind the attacks? Is it Halston?”
“It’s not a singular person. You’ve awakened the hive.”
“Is that a warning?”
He doesn’t answer, only shoves his hands into his trouser pockets.
“Amir Nooyi’s driver got out of his car and is stretching. He’s carrying,” Ash says in my ear. “Not unexpected, but letting you know. I’ve got two crews coming in for tonight. One crew searching the grounds. Woods are not cleared. Repeat. Do not go near the woods.”
“You’ve got a safe room, right?” The fucktwat sounds concerned.
I hold my fingers over my ear, making a show of listening to the piece in my ear, and scan the grounds, pausing on the garage. If she comes out, I will bloody lose it on her.
“I’m gonna go. If you need me, you know how to reach me,” Amir says.
“We’ll drive up with you,” I say.
As we cross through the house, he looks around like he’s looking for someone, but he knows Lina isn’t here. Is he searching for Scarlet?
We’re quiet as we climb into the back of the Rover. Roger takes shotgun and continues scanning the sky with his binoculars.
“How’d they attack you?” Amir asks, breaking the silence.
“They didn’t share details on the group chat?”
“Drones,” he says, more to himself.
I’m shooting daggers at the traitor when he catches on and scratches his jaw. “Yeah, I knew. I came here to warn you. Mite late. When I told you I’d recommend you leave, I had reasons. There’s a bounty on your head. Best to go. If not, bunker up.”
How much is my life worth? I don’t bother asking Amir.
I trust Ash with my life, but best to minimize the chance that word gets to my security team. I’ll search it up later.
Back at the security gate, I leave the team with Ash, taking the vehicle around to the garage.
When the garage door closes, I wait for facial recognition to do its magic and open the hold. The wise move would be to leave her secured. But it’s quiet outside. She can’t hear crap in the hold. I can show her the security system, so at least she’ll have eyes on the property.
My thoughts keep circling to Amir. He might be right. Authorities never came out to investigate. And the bounty bit…that’ll send some nefarious talents our way. Now it’s me and Scarlet. Racking up to a profitable payday.
“Scarlet,” I call, descending the stairs.
Four different gun bags and ammunition boxes are stacked on the coffee table. Two unzipped backpacks rest beside the table, half full of ammunition.