“I’ll be waiting.”
I squeeze her bum and her eyes smile, but she’s too worried for anything else. The trap door closes over her, and I breathe a little easier.
“I’m on my way,” I tell Ash.
“Where the hell have you been?” Amir says, charging through the yard, security on his tail.
“What the bloody hell? You wouldn’t wait where told?”
“Are you testing bombs?”
“That’s brilliant. I’m testing bombs on my own fucking land.”
He has the wisdom to cow. Fuckwad.
“Fair enough. Is it the mafia striking your home?”
“Why are you here?”
“Do you not trust me?”
“Oh, you mean, do I trust the man who told my high-as-a-fucking-kite sister to blow him?”
He runs his hand through his hair and blows out a breath. My security men back up, giving us space. Roger waves a pair of binoculars, a reminder that we’re out in the bloody open.
“She told you about that, did she?”
I should punch the fucker.
“I thought she wouldn’t remember.”
“That’s worse, you fucktwat.”
“Come now. Be fair. We both mess around. Your sister’s not exactly?—”
“Think twice before you finish that sentence.”
He holds his hand up in defense.
“I… Does this mean you’re not going to help me acquire Titan?”
Bloody hell.
“Maybe not the best day to ask,” he says, slinking back.
“Amir, go. Leave. Now.” I look to the pasture. “You drove today, I see. No chopper?”
“I was in the area.” He looks deflated. “Wanted to check up on Lina.” He wiggles his mobile. The screen’s black, but he says, “Hit one of the rags. The place you’ve got her is notorious for celebrity leaks.”
“She’s not a celebrity.”
“Eh, she kind of is. The influencer variety, but…the goings on of the lower levels sustains these rags.”
“And you read them?”
“Only one or two. It’s not a website. It’s like alerts. And if you click, you read the article. If you subscribe to one?—”
I hold up my hand.Bloody Christ. Like I want to hear.