Page 113 of Scarlet Angel

“What is this?” Scarlet asks, staring down the stairs.

“Where you’re going to be until I come and get you.”

“You’re not locking me?—”

“You can open it from inside anytime you want. But they can’t get inside without these babies.” I point at my eyes.

I smack my palm against her bum. “Go on.”

“You’re full of rubbish! They’re after me. Not you.”

“Scarlet…I don’t have the time to debate.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Scarlet. Go.”Christ, I am losing all patience.


She stands there, hands balled in fists, chin up, shoulders back, a portrait of bloody defiance.

“You should breathe. You have blood vessels that look like they might pop,” she says, sweet as a lark.

Dear Lord, give me strength.

“I’m skilled. Give me guns. I’ll fight with you,” she says.


“Why not? I’m fully?—”

"Because I fucking love you, you stubborn, bullheaded woman."

She goes utterly still, the way she does when she's processing something unexpected. Her fingers uncurl from those tight fists, and bloody hell if she doesn't look like I've just handed her the crown jewels rather than shouted at her.

"You love me?"

“Is it that fucking difficult to believe? You are the most resilient woman I’ve ever met, and I think about you every second of the day. You’ve gotten under my skin and in my head. Every molecule and atom craves nearness with you, and if something happened to you…”Christ. “It won’t come to fruition. Do you understand me? I understand you’ve trained, but dear heart, we are going up against men who hire men who have spent decades training in situations you can’t fathom. I love that you can hold your own in hand-to-hand combat and that your aim is spiffy, but let’s not get carried away that you can tackle a small army.”

“What about you? You haven’t trained?—”

“Yes, I bloody well have. And these are my men. I’m not sending them out there unless I’m by their side. Let me figure out what we’re dealing with and the best course to take. When I retrieve you, you can have your wicked way with me. Whatever revenge you like, I’m game for. But for now, get your arse to safety. Capisce?”


I press a hand to my ear to hear Ash, all the while glowering at the stubborn love of my life.

“Amir’s getting restless.”

“What’s he doing?”

“Looking around for you. We’re following him, but he won’t do as asked.”

“Get,” I demand.Beg.

It’s those green eyes. So full of passion, life, and grit that do me in. I pull her to me, far more roughly than advisable, and smash my lips to hers. Her fingers curl over the ridge of my hard cock, because yes, all it takes is for her lips to touch mine and my body reacts.

With great reluctance, I break the kiss.