Page 112 of Scarlet Angel

“I mean, a person’s here. Says he’s here to help.”


At the back door, I scan the skies, cursing the day I bought into setting up the garage with the safe room.

It’s a new build, they said.

Fuck them all.

“Should I let him in?” Ash asks.


“Amir Nooyi.”

Scarlet steps forward, and my arm shoots across her chest. “Stay,” I mouth.

I press against my ear. “Is he armed?”


Amir is a slight man who probably hires someone to cut tough steak for him. He’d hire someone to wipe his arse if it were socially acceptable to do so.

His timing is curious.

“Let him in, but keep men on him. Can’t be trusted.”

A plume of smoke twists around to the right of relatively clear skies.

“Letting him in. Tommy says drones are sorted.”

“Copy,” I respond.

I lower my arm and head down the path to the garage, motioning for Scarlet to follow.

“Why do you think they hit in daylight?” Ash asks.

“Testing. Are the authorities on their way?”

“Not yet. It was loud, but I’d bet our neighbors are clueless about what happened.”

True. Drone attack won’t be the first thing a country person assumes. Emergency response could be part of what they’re testing.

“Can you tell what they were targeting?” I ask.

“Based on course direction, looks like the main house.”

I reach the garage, open the door, go to the empty bay, lift a mat, and push a button. The trap door glides open.

“Stay with Amir at the entrance of the house. I’ll be there momentarily.”


“Ash? Whoever you send with Amir, make sure it’s someone you trust. Someone who’s never met Amir before.”


Ash is a good man. He’s been on my team for years and oversees the security staff. He’s more of a tech guy, but he’s punchy when needed.