“So, if I’m hearing you correctly, you believe someone has a monstrous plan, and you believe those someones are Halston and Dorian Moore. Two Americans who have a tremendous amount to lose if the United States goes dark. Not to mention, sources claim Dorian is in consideration for the next chief of staff. The current blowhard is at odds with the president, and rumors abound he won’t make it through the term. Do I have all that right?”
“Perhaps Dorian cares more about growing Zenith than politics. Think about it. If the world order is disbanded, if existing satellites are wiped and he’s prepared, he stands to have customers worldwide with skyrocketing defense budgets.”
That’s an interesting point. In university, Dorian recoiled at the idea of a political life. But his father harbored hopes for him. If Dorian is in the administration as chief of staff, and there’s an attack, martial law could be declared. How would the Moores benefit?
“An attack is imminent. Multiple sources have validated the intel. I believe someone within the syndicate is orchestrating the plan, so I’m coming to you.”
“The one member who’s clearly not behind it?”
“What about the others?” His blank expression says he’s not following. “Manseuto, Pearson, Droga? Why not go to them? They still have sway.”
“Voting against your excommunication means they are less likely to be in on it, but with twisted logic, who knows? They might have voted to keep you in because they wanted to scapegoat you. Until about a month ago, if anyone within our network wanted to buy weapons of any sort, they’d come to you, right?”
“Did someone fill my role?”
“There are obviously arms dealers. No one is offering a syndicate discount. Halston’s putting together a replacement.”
“And that supports your theory. When we had a master negotiator, we had a handle on the black market. And we’re kept abreast of military expenditures from inside sources. If Halston is behind this plan, then he’d want access to the intel?”
He nods. “I might not have it all right. But I’m telling you, my gut says it’s one of our own behind this. This business with you might not have been a part of the original plan, but the guilty party is simply playing the hand to their advantage.”
“I agree.” I’d tell Jiang about the mysterious message alerting me to Leo being a mole, but that would require admitting Leo was a mole.
“There’s a limit to what I can do. China reads every email. I get around it, but I’m not immediately available. If you need, I have a couple of squads right here in merry old England. At your disposal. I’ll leave you a number.”
“I have resources, too.”
“Better not rely too heavily on the Interpol chaps. You need someone who isn’t bound by laws and directives.”
Bloody hell. How does he know about Interpol?
“I’ve got someone,” I say.
“Really? Your name is shit at the moment.”
“I’ve got someone.”
“I’m going to be honest with you.” Jiang crosses an ankle over his knee. “This one stinks.”
“If all your theories are correct, your country comes out ahead if the plan succeeds. Why are you interfering?”
“When I joined the syndicate, I didn’t join to make China stronger. Quite the opposite. I don’t hold any hope I’ll see the regime in China fall in my lifetime, but I can certainly use my leverage to prevent them from growing stronger. If I’d thought the syndicate would veer…” His words trail.
“To quote Thomas Paine, 'No group of men without accountability can be trusted.’”
“It’s one or two.” He’s thoughtful. “And the rest are too oblivious or self-absorbed to notice what’s happening beneath their noses.”
CEO of Titan Shipping arrested on charges of racketeering and tax evasion.
The scroll at the bottom of the muted screen is both expected and shocking.
With trembling hands, I pick up my mobile. Tiny black spots dot my vision. I focus on deepening my breaths and slowing them down.