With her other hand, she fists my cock through my trousers.
“Let’s keep this gun safe. Where’s another one I can hold on to?”
She is perfection.
“Stop grinning and get me a pistol.”
On the monitor screen, the gate opens.
I call down to the gate. “Send a couple of men up with him. And loop a team behind the house, one on the roof.”
I step past Scarlet, slapping my palm against her bum as I do, and open a long drawer with a variety of handguns. She’s got a wee pistol in her room somewhere, but what’s mine is hers.
“Choose your favorite.”
She lifts a small Remington and checks the chamber.
“The drawer below,” I answer, then pause at the door on the way out. “Stay back. Until I understand his purpose, I’d rather he not know you’re here.”
Jiang resides mostly in Shanghai, but given the government watches over him closely, it’s not surprising he’d choose to make a personal visit if he has something valuable to communicate.
She blows me a kiss, and the grin doesn’t come off my face as I stand in the front, awaiting Jiang Tu.
The driver opens the door, and Jiang’s jet-black, unruly mop appears.
As he exits the vehicle, I ask, “What brings you to my gin joint?”
He looks to the roofline. “You’ve got protection?”
“Come to kill me?”
He lifts his shaded spectacles and shakes his head. A smile slowly spreads.
“No. But you’re the only one on the outs at the moment, and therefore the only one I can trust.”
“What do you mean?”
“Can we go in? Logically, I’m aware your property is secure, but I feel exposed.”
“The safest place on the property is in the woods. Trees provide cover. Drones can’t get through.”
“I’m an urban child. I’ll take my chances in an architectural structure.” He gestures to the stone building. “Nice place.”
“You forget I’ve visited your spot in Singapore.” It’s not his permanent residence, but it makes my place look like a poverty-stricken hole. “Do you play pool?”
“If I must,” he says. “I prefer chess.”
“Nah. I want to drink. Chess is a sober man’s game.”
He follows me through the house to the billiard room.
“You know, Nick, I have a couple of designers in London. I’ll send them your way.”
“Wallpaper isn’t my primary concern at the moment.”
When I open the door to the billiard room, I scan the area first, confirm Scarlet isn’t in here, and lead him in.