Page 101 of Scarlet Angel

“Right. So I take it splintering isn’t an option because you don’t know who you can trust. What are you wanting from us? An escape plan?”

“Not for me. For someone else. And in exchange, I continue as your asset.”

Our conversation isn’t a long one. Nomad proves his usefulness once again by agreeing to hatch a plan for Scarlet and offering to reach out to some of his local law enforcement contacts about providing additional drive-bys for Lina’s rehabilitation center.

When I enter the country house, it’s quiet. But Scarlet’s here. I received confirmation as I drove through the gate.

She’ll leave the country by private jet or boat. Nomad will get back to me on specifics. Given the ease of removing a plane from the sky, I’m leaning toward boat. Although, that’s not a surefire winner, given it’s conceivable a shipping magnate owns swift boats that hunt with great efficiency. But a boat could get her up the coastline to an area with more options to disappear.

Once again, I wonder which whale the mafia investigation caught in its net. It’s someone with pull over a syndicate member. Or hell, maybe an investigation will uncover a lead to a syndicate member.

I find Scarlet in the guest room, sitting on the floor beside an unzipped suitcase.

“Need some help?”

She looks up, and the light glistens in her eyes. “You bought me too many clothes. Won’t close.” She wipes at her face, fighting emotion.

Fuck this day.

“How’s Lina?”

“Better than expected.”

I bend down to the floor and tug the zipper. She’s right. This suitcase will not close.

“How’d she take the news about the increased security?”

“Didn’t fight me on it. Won’t make much difference to her.” The green in her eyes is so dark, it might be the deepest shade I’ve seen yet. “Any thoughts on where you want to go?”

“I don’t like this.”

“I’m not keen on sending you off, but it’s the best plan.”


With one last look at the suitcase that shall not close, I scoot back on my hands, arse on the ground, until my back’s against a wall, and cross one leg over the other. Exhaustion weighs me down, and I need the back support.

“Come now, love. That’s pretty clear.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Your darling family has it on good authority you’ve sold them out, and they’d like nothing better than to riddle your body with bullets. As it turns out, I rather love that body of yours, and I’d like to ensure it remains unscathed.”

“It’s more than that.”

She’s not wrong, but?—

“You’re eliminating my so-called family. That’s not why you have a small army patrolling the grounds.”

“What makes you think I’m doing any eliminating?”

“I’m not the only one with sources.”

“What the hell—Orlando?”

She frowns. “You’re not going to kill him, are you?”

“Love, I’ve no plans to leave England.”