Night had fallen, and Slate had one day left with Jaelynn before she was whisked away to safety. He had to ensure he claimed Jaelynn.

“Marry me,” he murmured.


“Be my old lady,” Slate stated.

“Seriously!” Jaelynn squealed.

Slate winced.

Jaelynn lowered her voice. “Do you mean that?”

“Yes. I want my ring on your finger, my cut on your back, and you on the back of my bike forever. I want crazy aunts and two dogs that keep shedding fuckin’ hair everywhere,” Slate replied.

“Wait till the summer,” Jaelynn stated, wincing as she thought how Molly and Roscoe would moult then.

“Marry me. Axel is ordained to carry out marriages. We can get Axel here and marry tonight,” Slate insisted.

Jaelynn went quiet. “Call Axel, and I’ll phone Aunt Elsie and Dorothy,” she ordered after a few moments.

Slate grinned. “Fuckin’ love you, baby.”

“Back at you,” Jaelynn said, pulling him down for a kiss.


Jaelynn looked amused. She remained curled on the bed against Slate’s side, but her aunts had bullied her into a white blouse and brushed her hair. Dorothy had applied a light makeup. Between her two aunts, Phoe, and Axel’s old lady Ellen, Jaelyn had her something old, something new, something blue and borrowed.

Axel appeared to have a huge mouth because all the Rage brothers had turned up, plus the Presidents and VPs of the other clubs. Ramirez and Ben were also lurking with Nando and Bobby Lucas. Their room hadn’t been big enough for everyone, so Doc Paul had their bed wheeled to a large area where events were held for the hospital. Mac was live streaming because the old ladies had been informed, and they’d all linked in.

“That’s a new one, the bride and groom getting married in a bed,” someone said.

“Shut up, Carly,” another woman hissed.

“What, Andi? Am I wrong or what?” Carly retorted.

“Shut the fuck up, it’s my wedding!” Slate growled out, and every girl facing the camera glared

“I’d hit him, but Slate’s hurt,” Ellen said, waggling a finger.

Slate shrugged. He wanted this over with. Why the hell couldn’t Axel have just turned up with two witnesses, and hey presto, it was done?

“Got you something,” Savage said, putting a small box in his hand.

“A ring?” Slate murmured.

“One each for both of you. I had to guess sizes, so I hope they fit,” Savage replied.

“Thanks, brother.”

“Dearly beloved…” Axel began, and all attention swapped to him.

Slate settled in because Axel’s services were often short and funny. His wedding would be no different.

Someone had bought cake, and food appeared from nowhere. Slate didn’t question it. No doubt several takeaways had been tapped. There was no booze because they were in a hospital, but Slate was planning a massive blowout when the war was finished. Jaelynn would get her celebration.

Three hours later, they were both tired and falling asleep, and Doc Paul insisted on returning them to their room. One by one, friends, allies, brothers and old ladies took their leave until they were alone. Doc Paul had them pushed back to their room, and he pulled the blinds with a wink.