“Because you are drugged up to the gills, brother. Once that shit starts to wear off, you’re going to know about it. Same as Jaelynn there.”
Jaelynn giggled. “We’re as bad as each other.”
“Artemis is pissed you gave her the slip,” Drake warned.
“Should I be worried?” Jaelynn asked.
“Yeah. But she’ll calm down,” Slate said to reassure Jaelynn. He noted she didn’t seem too bothered either way.
“Any other news?” Slate inquired.
“IA and the Feds are all over Barclays and Winslow’s shit. Winslow admitted to upwards of twenty murders in his state. They’re matching cold cases, and it’s disturbing. They’ve suspended the captain and half the state troopers so far. Her so-called friend Lewis is also being investigated, although consensus is he’s just a prick,” Drake replied.
Drake winced.
“He’s three days out. Fangs are converging on spots, and local PDs are watching them, but they’re not doing anything. The cop’s hands are tied. Unless Fangs do something, they can’t arrest them,” Drake stated.
“And let me guess. Our dumb ass president is still refusing to believe South Dakota is under attack?”
“Yup. He’s refused all help and aid. The idiot has told Antony and Andrew they are drama queens and had them tossed from the White House,” Drake replied.
Slate hissed. That was a huge mistake on the president’s part. The senator and congressman were both highly popular, and people listened to them. They were known as straight shooters with no hidden agendas.
“National guard and Ellsworth?” Slate asked.
“Nothing. We’re on our own. Not even neighbouring PDs can help as they’re locking their own towns down.”
“So be it. Jaelynn needs to be on a plane,” Slate demanded.
“She’s leaving the day after tomorrow with those two huge assed dogs and her family. Phoe is flying with her. They’re the last ones out. The allies, families, Hawthorne women, everyone is gone who Fury could use as leverage. It’s only Phoe and Jaelynn left now. Even Jodie has gone, and Serenity is on a shoot,” Drake said.
“Tye, Carmine, and Harley?” Slate asked.
“They’re playing. They’re out of danger,” Drake replied, and Slate nodded.
“Can’t I stay?” Jaelynn whispered from his side.
Slate’s arm tightened around her. “Baby, I need to know you’re safe. I can’t concentrate with you here.”
“You might not be fighting, brother. Not unless Doc Paul says so. And don’t bother arguing. If Doc Paul says to put you on that flight, you’ll be on it,” Drake stated and folded his arms as Slate growled.
That didn’t make him happy.
Chapter Sixteen.
It seemed weird not having the old ladies popping in to see him. His brothers did, and Artemis and Irish, but it was strange. There was a heaviness in the air, and it was affecting everyone. The hospital was readying itself for the war. Slate had no doubt casualties would be high on both sides.
Drake took his leave as he’d to organise things and go over plans with Howser one more time.
Slate had been hearing bike pipes all day and guessed allies were arriving. Phoe had managed to secure housing for everyone, using Reading Hall and the clubhouse and spare bedrooms in member’s houses.
Howser wanted everyone positioned, safe from ambush. Nurses and doctors hurried back and forth.
Inside Slate’s room, though, it was peaceful. Too damn peaceful. Slate needed to be out there helping and instead was lying battered and bruised in a bed. Talk about shit timing.