I curled into him and prayed for Slate to wake up.


Inglorious dialled Drake and let him know he was chasing a madman who insisted they were following this Jaelynn woman.

Drake asked how certain Inglorious was, and Inglorious honestly couldn’t give an answer. Drake agreed to send two Rage out but wouldn’t divert anyone else in case Magic was wrong.

Inglorious ground his teeth when they pulled over and watched the girl exit the car.

“Told ya,” Magic taunted.

It was her. Inglorious sent Magic a look and phoned Drake again.

“Wild and Cowboy are heading your way. I’ll alert the others,” Drake replied.

“We’re going in. If this guy’s a serial killer, then she’s in danger,” Inglorious said.

“Keep my people alive, Inglorious,” Drake ordered and cut the call.

Inglorious looked for Magic and raised his eyes to the heaven. The fuckin’ asshole had moved without him. “I’m gonna kill him!” he ground out and chased after Magic, keeping low to the floor.

Magic slipped through the entrance that Jaelynn had and was peering around with his head tilted as Inglorious entered.

“Upstairs,” Magic whispered, and Inglorious nodded.

He pulled his weapon and noticed Magic had already done so. Moving as quietly as they could, they followed. As they got near the top, they could see a door half open and voices coming from it.

“Bodies,” Magic muttered as he peered through an open door. An old couple lay slumped on the floor, and judging by the smell, they’d been there a few days. There were bullet holes in their heads.

“The owner’s, no doubt,” Inglorious murmured. He stared at the back of a man standing just inside a room and ranting.

“Record it,” Magic whispered, and Inglorious sent him a frown. “Do it.”

Inglorious cursed under his breath and yanked his cell out and began recording. His eyes widened as their target’s partner admitted to being the serial killer. And when this Wade motherfucker confessed his plan for Damien, they shrugged.

Let the dirty officer kill the other asshole.

Two shots rang out.

Magic burst into the room, and Inglorious followed. They’d fired at the same time and watched as the cop collapsed.

Inglorious swept the space and spotted the other cop dead. His gaze landed on a bruised female who had her eyes closed and then on Slate. Slate appeared to be in a bad way.

Swapping insults with Magic as he tried to charm Jaelynn, Inglorious lifted Slate down and checked for a pulse. He was relieved to find a steady throb, although Slate was badly hurt. He laid the big guy down as Jaelynn crawled over and curled into his body.

“Slate’s going to be alright,” Inglorious said softly.

“Is he? I’m so scared,” Jaelynn replied.

“Slate’s a fighter, sweet girl, he’s gonna be okay,” Inglorious agreed. He sat down next to Jaelyn and rubbed her back gently.

“What happened to you?” he asked.

“I laid Slate’s bike down,” Jaelynn answered.

Inglorious listened as Jaelynn explained what went down, and he was shaking his head by the time she finished.

“Why do Rage and now Hellfire get all the special ones? I’d give my right nut sack for what they have,” he said.