“Come in, baby!” Damien crowed.
Cautiously, I entered, alert for any movement. “Where are you?”
“Upstairs, Jaelynn, come on,” Damien cooed.
Ignoring the pain in my body, I walked up the stairs slowly. At the top, I saw three doors and headed to the one in front of me, which was open. There was a strange smell up here.
“There you are,” Damien cackled and rushed me. He scooped me up in a hug and squeezed me before placing me back on my feet.
Damien gazed into my eyes as he cupped my face. A smile crossed his lips, and he bent his head and kissed me. I became stiff in Damien’s arms and refused to respond, even though I knew what would happen. Damien lifted his head, looking confused.
“Where’s Slate?” I demanded.
Damien shoved away. “What?”
“Where’s Slate? Damien, I said I’d give myself up for Slate’s freedom. I’m here, so let him go,” I ordered.
“Are you serious? Jaelynn, stop these games,” Damien snapped.
“Damien, I’m not here of my own free will. You tortured Slate to get me here. I’m not the asshole playing games, you are,” I retorted.
Damien did exactly as I expected. His open hand slapped me across my cheek, and I fell to the floor with the force of it. Instantly, I curled into a ball and protected the back of my neck.
Words spilled from behind me. “Told ya, what woman would desire someone like you? A sick fuck who can only beat them.”
Hopeful, I rolled over and gasped. Slate’s face was all bruised and swollen and his eyes were swelling. His lip had been split, and there were bruises all over his torso. Slate was seriously hurt.
“No!” I cried. “You’re a fucking monster!”
“Shut up,” Damien snarled, dropping his mask.
“There it is, the evilness,” I shot back and scooted away. With a nasty smile, I dragged out my weapon and placed the knife against my neck.
Damien stopped.
“Jaelynn, what are you doing?” he asked calmly.
“Touch Slate again, and I’ll cut my throat.”
Damien’s eyes widened. “Careful, darling, or you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Yeah, see, Damien, this is what you do. One minute beating me and the next being all sweet. That’s abuse, plain and simple, and gaslighting. The truth is out. There’s a warrant for your arrest over your actions towards me. Those reports you buried? They’re out there now. Everyone knows. I didn’t have Munchausen’s Syndrome or anything else. You were a vile, miserable woman beater.
“Even Lewis and Lacey know. That doctor you terrified into leaving state. He’s given a statement, and so has several others. Your whole department is under investigation with IA. There is nothing left for you, Damien. Just give up.” I sighed.
“Jaelynn, I hope you’re lying,” Wade said, joining us suddenly.
“Nope. There’re even warrants out for your arrests in relation to the murders you committed,” I added.
“Never committed a fucking murder!” Damien screamed.
“Damien, I identified Lucy Rogers’ body!” I yelled back.
Damien reared back like I’d shot him. “What are you talking about?”
“Lucy. She was dumped behind the bar I worked in. She’d been beaten black and blue and raped like the other three victims. And Starla, the waitress who got away, she identified you,” I replied.