“They’re both lieutenants, they’ve got power,” Jaelynn added.

“Is Barclay out?” Slate asked.

“Yes. His captain contacted Howser and tried to throw his weight around. Howser bit back and forced both to apologise. We agreed not to press charges as long as Barclay left. The captain had drunk the Kool-Aid and claimed Jaelynn was unstable,” Ramirez replied.

“We’ve got medical evidence to the contrary,” Slate announced. He still held Jaelynn close and bent his head. “I’m going to take you home, babe, and we ain’t leaving until I put you on that plane,” Slate said to Jaelynn, who nodded.

Before anyone else could say a word, Slate marched Jaelynn down the stairs and out to his bike. Slate sensed shock setting in and guessed Jaelynn needed her family around her. What a fuckin’ shitshow this was fast becoming.


Dorothy and Aunt Elsie were appalled at what we’d learned. The local police had put out an APB for Wade and Damien, especially as Wade was no doubt badly injured. Today appeared to be the day that kept on giving, and it was only four o’clock.

I was sitting in the rocker on the rear porch when yelling disturbed my peace, and Dorothy and I glanced up.

Slate had gone to pick up food from a restaurant, and Aunt Elsie had been inside. Clearly, we had visitors.

Alert to trouble, I grabbed the handgun that was on the table next to me, and Dorothy picked up the shotgun that she’d purloined from Slate.

To my ultimate surprise, Lewis walked through the French doors with Lacey beside him. Dorothy trained the shotgun on him, and I snapped my own firearm up.

“Woah!” Lewis shouted, holding up his hands. “Ladies, let’s put those aside.”

“Aunt Elsie hit the panic buttons,” I ordered, keeping my weapon up.

“Jaelynn, honey, we’re your friends. Put the guns down,” Lacey exclaimed, looking scared.

“Judge, please. I don’t know what Jaelynn’s been saying, but let’s put them down before there’s an accident,” Lewis remarked to Dorothy.

“Trust me, you son of a bitch, if this shotgun fires, it won’t be no mistake,” Dorothy said calmly.

“How did you find me?” I demanded, keeping my weapon trained on them.

“Jaelynn. Honey, please. It’s us. We don’t mean you any harm.” Lacey spoke to me like I was a dimwit. In slow, soft tones.

I snorted.

“Get your hands above your heads now,” Dorothy ordered.

“For fuck’s sake, Judge. Jaelynn is seriously sick. She has Munchausen’s Syndrome, and she’s mentally unstable,” Lewis said.

“Bullshit. There’s nothing wrong with my niece apart from her gaslighting, woman-beating fucking ex,” Aunt Elsie spat.

“That is bull! Damien never touched her!” Lewis cried.

“That’s why RCPD has an arrest warrant out for him?” I demanded.

“Jesus, Jaelynn. You’ve got to stop this. You’re going to ruin his career,” Lacey scolded.

I snorted in disgust again. “Damien really has you snowed. Shut the fuck up until the real police arrive.”

“Jaelynn, stop!” Lacey demanded.

Dorothy primed the shotgun, and they both fell silent. Minutes ticked past as they stared at me, but I didn’t waver. They were no longer my friends.

“Jaelynn!” Slate yelled as he raced through the house. “I got the—what the fuck?” Slate skidded to a halt and yanked his own weapon out.

“Slate, Damien or Wade might be out front. If these are here…”