He dragged me out of the office, and I struggled to free myself. I fought him all the way down the corridor as security turned a blind eye.
He kicked open a door, slung me inside, and sneered. “After Brice, I’m going to take a turn and then put you in my stable. See, bitch, cash in hand means you’re in hiding. Nobody’s gonna miss you,” Royce snarled and slammed the door shut.
“Is this Rage MC?” a female whispered.
“Yeah,” Drake replied.
“You don’t like women trafficking,” she murmured.
Drake sat up straight. “What the fuck?”
Those around him became alert at his tone.
“I work at a strip club. The girls are being forced to service the patrons if they demand it. But the cloakroom girl, she’s an innocent. Brice Jones has just ordered her, and she refused. They’re going to rape her and then drug her into prostitution. You need to help us,” the woman whispered.
“Call the cops,” Drake demanded.
“We can’t. There’s a dirty cop somewhere. You gotta save this girl.”
Drake began to speak, but she interrupted, giving an address and cut the line.
He looked around. “Mount up, we’ve got a job. Make sure you’re armed.”
“What is it?” Ace asked.
“Possible human trafficking,” Drake replied.
Scowls descended over the brothers who were present.
“Not in RC?” Gunner demanded.
“Outskirts. Strip joint on the I90. Jingle Jangles,” Drake said.
“Ain’t that Royce Ashton’s place?” Rock inquired.
“Yeah. And I know Ramirez has been trying to get information on him for ages. That place claims girls, losing them forever. And apparently, they’ve just taken another innocent. Brice Jones is involved,” Drake responded with a scowl.
“I’ll call James. He’s been chasing Jones for a while. Jones was pedalling shit in one of James’s clubs.” Gunner scowled.
“Roll out, kick doors in, and find this girl,” Drake replied.
As soon as Royce left, I headed for the door and tried to open it. The asshole had locked it, and I was trapped.
I began searching the room, which held a high sofa, a table and a bed. The bed’s presence needed no explanation. How many girls had been assaulted here? I shied away from the question and checked everywhere, looking for a weapon.
I found nothing. Absolutely zilch.
Squeeze his balls hard and twist, the advice floated in my mind. An old school friend had drummed that wisdom into my head. That was my plan. Be sweet and nice and then grab his nuts and rip those fuckers off. I could do that.
I sat on the sofa, watching the door. Minutes ticked past, and I grew more nervous and edgy.
Panic welled in my stomach, and I was sweating in fear. At least an hour passed before the door opened. I cringed back when two bulky men entered. Behind them came the short man, Brice Jones, who’d propositioned me in the first place.
There was a smarmy, self-satisfied look on Brice’s face. “I told you nobody says no to me, bitch.”