“Are you okay?”

“Tired. Worn out. Scared. I want to run, but it’s pointless. I’m taking a stand. Damien won’t bully me into going with him,” Jaelynn stated as she cupped her coffee and inhaled.

“We’ve got you a couple of appointments today. Janet, a therapist, and Docs Gibbons and Paul,” Slate explained.

“What the hell for?” Jaelynn exploded, and Slate looked amused.

“What was Damien spouting last night? That you were mentally unstable. So, can he go against two highly respected doctors and an eminent therapist?”

“Oh. Good idea,” Jaelynn said.

“Yes, plus Ramirez and Ben will also be making statements around your demeanour, they certainly do not think you’re crazy,” Slate replied.

He avoided the unpleasant thought that they might be considering her as a serial killer, though. Slate didn’t know for sure, but it was a minor possibility.

“Okay. Guess you don’t need the fake ID now. When we have done that, we’re heading to the strip joint. I gotta check a few things. Until we’ve got Damien off the streets permanently, you gotta stick with me,” Slate said.

“And how you going to get rid of Damien?” Jaelynn asked, and Slate saw her bracing herself.

“You’re gonna have to make a statement,” Slate confirmed.

“And the last few times I called in, the police did nothing, and I was beaten again,” Jaelynn snapped.

“Not this time. A friend, a PI, has managed to get hold of your hospital records. Barclay may have tried to hide them, but Leila is good enough to locate anything. We have every little thing, the photos, reports, and doctor’s statements. Leila recovered the nine-one-one calls you made and police statements. There’s enough evidence to bury Barclay and his captain, who was also involved in covering this shit up.

“As soon as Ramirez has your statement, he’s taking it all to IA and letting them investigate. The entire department where Barclay is based will be under investigation. There’ll be some heads rolling,” Slate promised.

Jaelynn looked at him steadily. “I’ve heard that before. And then the assholes backed Damien. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

“I understand, Jaelynn, but I trust Ramirez. I just hope you let us prove you wrong,” Slare responded.

Jaelynn nodded and gazed out of the kitchen window. She seemed lost in her thoughts.

“You have never asked.”

“Huh?” Slate replied.

“You’ve never pushed. Why?”

“Because that wouldn’t have helped you, baby. You need a space to feel safe in. If I’d pushed for answers, you would not have felt safe. It doesn’t matter how curious I am, I needed you to be happy. You’ve grown in confidence and strength, and I fall in love a little more each moment with you. I want you to be mine, that means letting you find your feet while providing a solid base for you to stand on.”

“I’m already in love with you, and each day you continue to surprise me.”

“Good, because you’re going to kill me,” Slate teased as someone knocked. “Stay here, babe.”

Jaelynn frowned as Slate left.


What was he up to? Slate had looked almost shifty. Had he just betrayed me? I edged towards the kitchen door, ready to make a run for it, when a huge ball of fluff headed towards me at speed.

I was knocked on my ass and licked head to toe.

“Molly-moo!” I squealed as I buried my face in the Silver Sable German Shepherd’s fur. Molly kept licking and kissing. All the while, she made a high-pitched cry as she loved on me.

“Next time, you won’t be gone for so long,” Aunt Elsie stated as she moved around the island.

“Incoming!” Dorothy shrieked as a second, bigger German Shepherd attacked.