Nando eyed his partner and frowned. He crossed the kitchen and peered through the doorway.

“What is it?” Slate asked.

“Another fuckin’ body has dropped. Fuck this! That asshole distracted us, and we fucked up,” Nando cursed.

“Let me see,” Slate stated.

He glanced outside and shook his head. “I don’t know her.”

“That’s a damn relief. Shit, I’m gonna have to call this in,” Lucas said and pulled his phone.

“I’m taking Jaelynn home. You can interview us in the morning. She’s had enough of a shock,” Slate replied, heading towards Jaelynn.

“What is going on?” I whispered as Slate lifted me up from the floor where I still sat.

“Another body,” Slate murmured, stroking my hair as he cupped my head and pulled me into his chest.

“No. Yes. I mean, why do bodies keep turning up around me?” I asked.

“Someone out there is a sick fuck Jaelynn, and they’re playing games with Rage. This isn’t the first serial killer we’ve attracted. But it means we’re all going to be more alert.”

“Like the police waiting outside and Damien distracting them. That was a rookie error,” I murmured quietly so the detectives didn’t overhear me.

“Yeah,” Slate agreed as he walked me through the bar. His bike was at the end, so it hadn’t been sealed off.

“There is one thing bothering me. How did the killer know to dump the body while the officers were inside dealing with Damien? He had all night. Is the timing coincidental?”

“Good question,” Slate replied as he fell silent.

I climbed on the bike behind him, still feeling shaky, and Slate headed to my home. But he made sure we weren’t followed.


He lay in bed, considering Jaelynn’s words. What were the damn odds that the body would drop when her ex was causing a commotion? Slate needed more information on him. Picking up his phone, he dialled Ramirez.

“What’s up?” Ramirez asked.

Slate quickly explained, and Ramirez grunted. “Already thought of that. You should hear the asshole right now. Talk about entitled. I don’t give a shit how big a man he is back home, he’s got no skin in the game here. Barclay is making demands and causing mayhem. Chief is gonna make him wait, and Barclay has used his one phone call. Don’t know who he phoned, but he’s sitting smug at the moment.”

“His boss or a lawyer?”

“Either one, I reckon,” Ramirez replied.

“Is the hate crime shit going to hold up?” Slate asked, doubting it.

“Nah. But it gave us a chance to get Jaelynn home. Chief will make things very uncomfortable for Barclay as we have it on camera. Mac sent the footage over, and we’ve enough to hold him. Hell, I’ve got sufficient evidence to charge him, but that’s unlikely to happen. What I will require is a public apology and a written one. And I want him reprimanded. But for now, it gives you an opportunity to shore up Jaelynn’s protection.”

“Thanks, Ramirez.”

“You’re welcome, bud,” Ramirez said and cut the call.

Slate wished to put Jaelynn on the next flight out, but that wasn’t feasible. He was going to have to console himself with being Jaelynn’s shadow.

Chapter Twelve.


He sat waiting for Jaelynn to finish her shower and join him. Slate wasn’t one for cooking, so he’d poured two bowls of cereal and made coffee. Jaelynn entered the kitchen looking pale-faced, but her shoulders were back and she was facing the day head-on.