Shock ran over me like a bulldozer, and I collapsed to the floor.
“Told ya, asshole, ain’t got no one here working with that name,” Slate replied.
Oh God, Slate. Damien would hurt him.
I reached up with a shaky hand and hit the panic button. The silent alarm would alert the RCPD, and hopefully, assistance would come.
“I’m a fucking cop. Jaelynn Slate. She’s my fiancé, and I know she’s been seen here. Jaelynn’s mentally ill and requires help,” Damien insisted.
I wanted to look, but daren’t.
I knew what Damien would look like. His face would have set into the ‘I’m a cop, do not fuck with me’ expression. He’d run a hand through his hair as he tried to control his anger. His cheeks would have a hint of pink, a sure sign of temper, and his eyes would be narrowed.
“Either you fetch Jaelynn, or I’ll arrest you,” Damien stated.
“On what grounds?” Slate demanded.
“Don’t antagonise him,” I whispered.
I nearly screamed when a hand landed on my shoulder. Terrified, I looked up into Ramirez’s eyes.
“Scoot back and let us deal with this,” he murmured. Behind him stood Ben and two more cops.
“We were staking the rear out when the panic alarm call came in,” Ben explained.
I scooted backwards on my butt, and the four men marched out. The swinging door slammed shut, and I crawled closer to listen to what was going on.
“I said, asshole, what are you gonna arrest me for?” Slate pushed.
“Obstruction of justice,” Damien retorted.
“For not handing over a girl that doesn’t work here? Don’t know how it works where you’re from, but that shit don’t wash here. Get the hell out of my bar,” Sunny snapped.
“I’m a damn cop!” Damien yelled.
“And this ain’t your jurisdiction. You’ve got no call to arrest anybody here,” Mac said.
“Shut the fuck up. I’m calling for backup, and I’ll have you all in cuffs in ten minutes. Of course, if you hand Jaelynn over, I’ll forget this shit, and you can go about your business,” Damien stated.
“That sounds like blackmail. Does anyone else think that?” Sunny asked.
“You make a move for your gun, cop, it will be the last thing you do,” Mac suddenly exclaimed.
“All of you line up and place your hands on the bar,” Damien yelled.
“On whose authority?” Ramirez demanded.
“Who the fuck are you?” Damien boomed.
“Detective Antonio Ramirez, RCPD, these are detectives Eric Benjamin, Hawthorne, and Lucas. Now, who the hell are you?” Ramirez asked.
“I’m Sergeant Damien Barclay—”
“You ain’t in your jurisdiction, Barclay. I know every sergeant in my department. So, I’d like to understand why you’re threatening these men,” Ben said, cutting Damien off.
“I’m looking for my fiancé. Jaelynn Slate. She’s very ill, mentally and emotionally unstable. I’ve heard Jaelynn was seen here, in this bar, working, and these guys are refusing to bring her to me. Sorry, I’m really stressed, she’s been missing months, who knows what’s happened to her,” Damien responded.
I imagined Damien’s expression had changed to pleading and looking worried. He was fuckin’ good at that.