A roar burst from him, and Slate placed his hands on the bar. He bounced on his toes and jumped over the bar.

“Holy fuck!” Lowrider exclaimed as Slate barrelled his way around the crowd. The drunk idiot now had Jaelynn on him, and as Slate approached, Jaelynn’s fingers turned into claws, and she raked his face. People saw Slate bearing down on them and tried to move.

The drunk bellowed and threw Jaelynn to the floor, where she yelled out. Slate had the man by his throat and lifted him up and slammed him down.

“I’ve got Jaelynn!” Starla cried from behind him.

Slate roared again and pounded the asshole a second and then a third time. In a fit of pure temper, Slate drew his fist back and let loose a punch that knocked the drunk unconscious. He threw him at Savage and turned to Jaelynn.

His girl was in Starla’s arms, and her wide eyes were fixed on him. “Hulk, smash! Puny human,” Jaelynn muttered in a twist on some movie lines he recognised.

Starla burst into laughter.

“Slate, smash!” Jaelynn cried and shot her arms in the air. “Ow!”

Slate saw blood trickling down and, in two steps, had her arm in his hand and was examining her.

“I caught it on some glass. It’s a scratch, not deep,” Jaelynn muttered, patting his chest like he was a puppy.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, baby,” Slate said gently and scooped her into his arms.

“Slate, I can walk!” Jaelynn cried as everyone around watch.

“Hush, let me take care of you,” Slate responded.

“Lucky bitch!” a girl commented as other women sighed.

“Damn right, he’s my Slate smash.” Jaelynn giggled.

“Did you see him leap that bar? Jesus, that was so damn hot,” a woman stated.

“You leapt the counter?” Jaelynn questioned.

“Quickest way to get to you,” Slate answered.

“Starla, get me the video of that!” Jaelynn called out.

Slate exhaled, knowing it would do the rounds. The old ladies would love it.

“Done, babe,” Starla declared.

As they headed towards the office, the sound once again picked up in the bar. Slate kicked the door open and placed Jaelynn on Mac’s sofa. Jaelynn was bemused as he studied her arm carefully and then began cleaning it.

“Slate, I’m fine,” she said.

Slate shook his head. “I do not like seeing blood on you.”

His voice was tight, and Jaelynn tipped his chin up to face her. “I’m okay. It’s a small cut, nothing major. Don’t stress, I’ve had worse gardening.”

“Then you’re not allowed to garden anymore,” Slate retorted.

Jaelynn laughed, and finally, Slate smiled. Now he could see it was definitely a scratch, he could relax. He wiped it clean and stuck a plaster on it. Jaelynn looked even more amused.

“I’m going back to work,” she said.

Slate felt shocked. “Aren’t you scared? Look what just happened.”

Jaelynn leant forward and gave him a sweet kiss. “No. Not at all. Because you and your brothers are there.”