“But Aunt Elsie was your mom,” Slate said.

“Yeah. She did everything with and for me.”

“So, your talent for cooking comes from your father.”

“Definitely. And Dad’s sweet, he’s never once criticised my cooking. I am sure sometimes he wanted to, but nope… not Dad.”

“What does your mother lecture about?”

“The War of Independence and the Civil War. Mom is one of the leading experts in the field and has had several papers published,” Jaelynn said.

“You’re very proud of her,” Slate noted.

“Definitely. I’m proud of them both,” Jaelynn replied.

Slate thought it was strange, but he understood where Jaelynn was coming from. It seemed her parents did love her but were incapable of being the parents she needed. Giving her up to Aunt Elsie had been the best for Jaelynn, and he respected her parents for that decision because it couldn’t have been easy. At least they hadn’t forced Jaelynn to stay and made her childhood miserable.


Three hours later, Slate wanted to punch half the men in the bar. The other half he was planning burials for. Jaelynn wasn’t wearing anything overtly sexy, but her jeans fitted like a second skin and showed off everything. Her tee was round-necked but clung to her bust like saran wrap. But all eyes were on his woman.

Surprisingly, the place was heaving again, and after two hours, Slate had hopped behind the bar and started dispensing drinks.

“How come we’re so busy?” Lowrider asked.

“Dunno, it’s been like this for the last few weeks,” Slate answered.

“Two bars shut down in town. One for serving an underage kid and the other because the owner drank the profits,” Starla said.

“Damn, didn’t know that,” Sunny replied as he gazed out over the crowd.

“Plus, the cuts are a draw,” Starla teased, and Sunny rolled his eyes, making Starla laugh. “No, honestly, look. These are all girls in their early and late twenties. It’s common knowledge almost every brother in Rage has their women. Now your prospects are claiming old ladies, and these bitches are all hopefuls.”

Slate looked around and noticed several sly glances aimed at him. One woman blatantly batted her eyelashes, and another blew him a kiss.

“Shit,” he murmured. “Jaelynn!” he bellowed.

Jaelynn appeared, and Slate leant over the bar and kissed her.

“What was that for?” she whispered as she clung to his tee.

“I’m being hunted and needed to show them I’m taken,” Slate replied.

“Ah, I see. In that case…” Jaelynn hauled him closer and kissed him thoroughly. Slate was amused when she broke the kiss.

“That better?” she asked.

“Much,” he said, seeing some disgruntled glances. Jaelynn giggled and waltzed back off.

“That made a statement, bossman.” Starla laughed.

“Certainly did.” Sunny grinned.


Slate was pouring a beer when a startled cry caught his ears. He lifted his head and saw Savage trying to wade his way through the crowd. Slate followed Savage’s gaze and grew incensed.

A man who was attempting to yank her into his lap had grabbed Jaelynn.