“Yeah. One from Jett and Sin each. And another off Drake,” Slate replied.

“What on earth is Drake suing him for?”

Slate chuckled even harder and said something, but I didn’t grasp it because he was laughing too hard.

“What?” I demanded.

“Mental and emotional damage,” Slate hissed as he fell apart again.

“Huh?” I asked, not understanding.

“Sin punishes Jett, and he makes us all miserable. Sin also picks on any person with a dick in her early stages. Seriously, Sin’s a real bitch for four months. Drake said if he must suffer another Sin pregnancy, which shouldn’t have happened, he’s suing for extreme anguish and suffering.” Slate began laughing again.

“No!” I exclaimed, horrified.

“Yup, and Reid has now found out and is consulting a lawyer, too,” Slate added, and I began to laugh.

Honestly, I felt sorry for Sin, but it was funny.

“Is Sin really that bad?” I asked finally.

“Yeah. Usually, she is the sweetest nerd going, but pregnancy turns her into a demon. The only one she can stand for four months is Manny. She hates everyone else. They’ve got a scan in two weeks, and Sin’s making threats. Mac’s hiding from her as well. He’s had people text him if Sin’s headed his way. We’re all taking bets now that Sin has got twins because Mac cursed her,” Slate said.

“That poor woman,” I murmured.

“That woman has the entire MC anticipating her next move while pregnant. She’s a total pregnancy diva, but we all spoil her,” Slate explained, grinning.

“Rage likes children?”

“My MC fuckin’ thrives on kids. If the women ain’t baking them, then we’re damn well adopting them. Half the club’s kids are adopted,” Slate said.

“Wow, like properly?”

“Yeah. We find a scrappy brat and think they’ll do, and we scoop the fucker up. We adopt in multiples as well. It’s like dogs and kittens, you don’t get one, or they’ll be lonely,” Slate stated, and I began laughing.

“Damn, I can’t believe you just reduced kids to cats and dogs,” I cried, wiping tears from my eyes.

“They’re similar,” Slate nodded sagely.

“That’s cruel!”

“But truthful. Anyway. We need to talk. Ain’t no easy way to tell you this, Jaelynn, but a missing person’s report came across Ben’s desk. Ben shredded it but recognised the person. It was you,” Slate said gently.

I dropped my sandwich, all appetite lost.

“Did Ben call it in?” I whispered. My mind was already bracing. I had a couple of thousand cash saved up. That wouldn’t get me far but would give me a jump on Damien.

“Jaelynn, Jaelynn, hey,” Slate called, and I shook myself.

“Slate, I’ve got to go,” I murmured. I started to get to my feet, and Slate pushed me gently down.

“Ben shredded the report before anyone else could see it. Jaelynn, he covered for you,” Slate insisted.


“Because we figured out you are running from a cop. Your reaction to Ben and Ramirez gave away more than you realised. You’re on the run from your ex, who was abusive and an officer. Right?” Slate pushed.

“Yes. Gonna hand me in now?”