I grabbed the stapler to defend myself.

Both detectives nodded and left. The Mexican-looking one seemed worried as he sent me a glance over his shoulder.

“I’m not going back!” I screamed at Slate.

He rushed around the desk, and I fired the stapler. Slate jumped but kept coming and wrapped me in his arms.

“Nobody’s gonna make you. Babe, a murder occurred, and Ramirez and Ben need to question you. This isn’t about you. You’re safe. They’re good people and wouldn’t expose a victim to her abuser. Trust me, baby, they’re not here to take you anywhere,” Slate kept repeating stuff as I tried to calm down. Seeing two officers walk in had been shocking.

“They’re not here for me?”

“No, and I wouldn’t let them take you either. There was a murder. Do you remember Ariel?”

“The girl that accused me of stealing her job?”

“Yes. Ariel was murdered last night. Her body was left at the Haunted House attraction while we were there. They want to know if you witnessed something,” Slate replied as he rubbed my arms.

“I didn’t see anything.”

“Just need to tell them that. I’ll be here the entire time,” Slate said.

I nodded but clutched his hand. “You’re bleeding,” I murmured.

“Baby, you shot me with a stapler.”


“No, don’t. That reassures me that if someone did try to take you, you’d go down fighting.” Slate chuckled. “I’ll fetch you a fancy coffee from that damn thing and bring them back in.”

Slate was as good as his word; he made me a vanilla latte, checked I was composed again, and then headed outside. I was unaware of what Slate was saying, but his voice was loud and firm.


“Damn, Slate, did you expect that?” Ben demanded.

Slate turned to glower at him. “Fuckin’ warned you Jaelynn was on the run. We’re going to give her a few more minutes to compose herself.”

“Did you know it’s a cop Jaelynn was running from?” Ramirez asked.

“Fuck no. You picked that up as well?” Slate replied.

“When she had a reaction like that? Jaelynn knew we were cops, which means she has been around a lot of them. She’s also terrified of us. Your girl is hiding from an abusive police officer,” Ramirez stated.

“And one who holds power because Jaelynn thought we were working for him,” Ben agreed.

“You’re going to have to keep her name out of any report,” Slate said.

“Yeah. We’ll speak to Howser. A dirty cop, the last thing he fuckin’ needs,” Ramirez responded.

“How do you know he’s dirty?” Slate demanded, narrowing his eyes.

“Jaelynn’s reaction? That asshole is filth. I’m betting she reported the abuse, and shit got covered up. Will she talk?” Ben asked.

“Yes, but don’t push, and certainly not about her private life. Keep to questions about the case,” Slate replied.

“That we can do easily. Go in front, Slate, so Jaelynn’s not threatened by us entering without you,” Ramirez said.

“Women shouldn’t live in fear like that,” Ben complained as he followed Slate.