Skylar and Ariel looked shocked. Hailee was angry.

“You can’t do that! It’s Saturday, we’re going to be slammed,” Skylar shrieked.

“I can do that, I’m the fuckin’ manager. Slate managed last night, and we’ll manage tonight. I do not need asshole cunts who put a damn concert before their job,” Mac hissed.

“I need this job!” Ariel cried, looking scared and worried. “It’s my full-time one, I don’t have any others.”

“Should have thought of that while you were prancing around at the concert. You didn’t give a stuff about needing the money then,” Slate stated.

“Mac, please. Give us another chance,” Skylar begged.

“Get your shit and leave before we put you out,” Mac said, his eyes narrowed.

“Fuck you. I can get a job bartending anywhere,” Hailee replied, picking up her bag and purse.

“Not when we blacklist you for being unreliable,” Mac retorted and walked Hailee out. Skylar and Ariel followed on their heels, still begging for a second chance, but neither Mac, Slate, nor Sunny, who was on from Hellfire tonight, backed down.

“Knew Chance was setting me up when he ordered me to help manage this fuckin’ place,” Sunny complained, but his grin belied his harsh words.

“We’re fucked,” Slate murmured.

“Looks it, bro,” Mac said, surveying the crowds already in the bar.

“Only Dulcie is on tonight. Alexa’s off, she had a family meal, which was authorised. I’ve called Starla and Lisa. Starla is out of state, and Lisa is ringing around to find a babysitter,” Slate explained. “The day girls can’t cover either.”

“Yeah, we’re really fucked,” Sunny muttered.

Within the hour, Mac and Slate were behind the bar while Sunny helped Dulcie take orders and clean tables. They’d agreed to take one-hour turns in helping Dulcie, but they were swamped. Once again, neither MC could send help, and they were on their own.

Slate was shocked when suddenly a brunette strolled past him carrying a stack of glasses. He tried to see her face, but someone moved into his path. The next glance he got off her was when she came back out of the kitchen holding a tray of food.

It was her! Jaelynn!

“Sunny!” Slate bellowed. Sunny glanced over, and Slate beckoned him.

“What’s up?” Sunny called.

“Take over for five,” Slate ordered, and headed out after Jaelynn.

He caught her as she was collecting a large stack of empties from a table. “Hey.”

“Oh, hi,” Jaelynn said with a smile. “You’re packed again.”

“You disappeared last night before I could talk to you,” Slate accused.

Jaelynn frowned. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No! I wanted to thank you and give you your tips back. Plus, some money for helping,” Slate answered.

“Don’t worry about that. After the day I had, it was nice to have something else to concentrate on,” Jaelynn replied, picking up the last glass.

She began heading to the kitchen with the full tray.

“Bad day?”

“Something like that. Anyway, it was a good diversion,” Jaelynn responded.

“So, what’s tonight?” he asked, holding her gaze as she stopped at the kitchen door.