“Rage hasn’t peddled flesh since Drake took over. That is a known fact. Whatever you’re planning, the girls will be safe,” Cayla answered.

“True. Drake wants to run this. But the fuck I’m going to be spending my nights in this shithole,” Slate agreed.

“What’s your plan?”

“Ace and Rock are coming in to redesign everything. While that’s happening, I want to get to know the waitresses, dancers, and staff,” Slate stated.


“Cayla, if we have a weak link, I need to be aware. Most of the girls were drugged and sexually abused. But do I have a druggie here? Someone selling sex? How the fuck do I know? I gotta weed those out now, so when the club reopens, I’m not chasing my tail,” Slate replied.

“Makes sense. And you have a couple of both. Do you have a list of names? And what about the security guards?” Cayla asked.

“I fired them all. If there were any good ones, tell me, I’ll rehire them, but they’ve all been sacked for now. Plus, Rage is investigating all of them. By the way, you’re taking one of the manager positions,” Slate stated and, ignoring Cayla’s gasp, got to work.

After an hour, Slate had an idea of who to keep and who to dismiss. By the time everyone arrived, some arriving up to fifteen minutes late, Slate was ready.

He instantly fired the three dancers Cayla had identified as drug users. They were offered rehab, and when they sneered, Jared escorted them out. Two waitresses followed for selling drugs. Two girls who were pimping their services and unwilling to stop were dismissed, too. The remaining dancers and waitresses looked stunned.

“Rage is aware of what happened. We don’t sell pussy. This week, you’ll sign proper contracts with the club. These will offer you an hourly wage plus the tips you get from dancing. You’ll be entitled to health and dental care and four weeks paid vacation a year. That’ll be booked in advance. If you are genuinely sick, you’ll receive your basic wage, keep pulling fake sickies, and you’re out on your ear.

“Before any of you start working, you’ll all see a doctor and get a clean bill of health. Should there be any problems, you’ll be asked to share them with me so I can help. If you’re uncomfortable, go to Cayla. She’s now a manager.

“You’ll be entitled to free soft drinks and a meal each night. Sex is not on the menu. If you give a private lap dance, it’s hands off, and you’ll be on camera, voice recorded, and security will be outside your room. Should a punter become grabby, guards can be inside within seconds. They’ll then pay a punishment fee that you’ll receive. Before anyone thinks of getting grab-happy for cash, you will be filmed, and we’ll hear everything said.

“This place is shut down for at least the next four weeks. During that time, you’ll get paid. But we expect you to attend the health check and see a shrink. It is unacceptable that some of you experienced rape. And just because you strip, it doesn’t mean you asked for it. Nobody touches an employee of Rage and walks away. Stripping doesn’t equate rape. And any fucker who thinks differently will learn a lesson.

“As for the line-up, that’s Cayla’s choice. Do not bring me bitchy issues. If you get too big for your boots, you’ll lose your place and get a shit one. Think of that before throwing gloves down. And nobody, not security, a punter, or Rage member—brother or prospect—has the right to coerce sex from you. Should that happen, even if it’s a brother of mine, you come to me. I don’t stand for abuse.

“Last thing. We’re having photos taken of every person who attended this shithole. If you were forced into sex with them, we want to know. Any questions?” Slate glanced around and thought he was about to escape free, but voices rose at once.

“Are you seriously putting us on a contract?”

“Yes,” Slate replied.

“We get medical coverage?”

“Yup.” Slate nodded.

Cayla grinned as the girls continued to bombard him.

Slate rubbed his brow and settled in.


Slate was not as bossy as his brother Rock nor anywhere near as surly. I’d been working here two nights, and this was the first time I had worked with him.

“Keys, Jaelynn,” he grunted.

“I’ll move my car,” I replied.

“Is it dark out there? Is the reason I’m moving your car so you can leave safely tonight? If I let you go outside to shift your wheels so you can reach it unharmed, isn’t that undermining the entire process?” Rock demanded.

I considered that before agreeing.

“Hand me your key. I’ve got Lisa’s,” Rock stated.

I gave Rock my keys, and he stomped off. Banshee, a brother from Hellfire, chuckled.