Amused, I bit my lip but couldn’t suppress the smile.

“Sin, I didn’t need to know you swallowed!” Reid roared.

Jett smirked, and Reid pointed a finger at him. “Shut the fuck up, she’s my baby sister!”

“Adopted,” Jett retorted.

“Oh my God. I can’t deal with this. I’m having a hysterectomy after this child. No more babies,” Sin cried, melting down.

“Honey,” Penny said, bustling out from around the counter.

Sin literally melted down and collapsed to the floor, sobbing. Jett seemed guilty as the door opened, and three men entered. One was Slate, and he took in the scene, and his mouth fell open.

“No way you got her pregnant again!” Slate exclaimed.

Jett was miserable as he nodded.

“Holy shit!” Slate replied.

“Where is she?” another guy demanded, entering the shop.

“Manny!” Sin wailed from the floor.

Manny sent Jett a dirty look, sat his ass on the ground, and scooped Sin up.

Jett scowled.

“How the fuck did you knock her up?” Manny asked.

“You need lessons? Andi not satisfied?” Jett snarled.

“You had the operation!” Manny growled out.

“Asshole, I know that! It was my fuckin’ balls under the knife. Something’s gone wrong, and it failed. Shit, I’m gonna sue the ass off that doctor,” Jett answered as he glanced helplessly at Sin.

“Manny, I’ve got six kids and another on the way!” Sin sobbed as Manny soothed her.

“Hey, it could be worse, it could be twins,” one of the guys with Slate said. His name badge displayed: Mac.

Everyone stared at Mac in horror as Sin screamed and buried herself even deeper into Manny’s neck.

“Why? Why would you say that?” Jett demanded, appalled. “You know damn well she’s gonna have twins!”

“That was a joke!” Mac defended himself.

“No…I’m going to have eight kids! Eight!” Sin wailed, to my amusement. Now I knew nothing bad was happening, I could relax and enjoy the drama.

“We don’t know that, baby,” Jett soothed.

“Mac cursed us, you watch. These fuckers will be twins! Mac had to open his big fat mouth!” Sin hissed at Jett.

“Walk it off. Leave Sin with me. How about we go play in the Vault, baby?” Manny asked her. Sin nodded as she wiped tears from her face.

Jett opened the door, prepared to flee.

“Where you going?” Mac demanded.

“To find a fuckin’ lawyer and sue that doctor!” Jett announced and disappeared.