Page 14 of Baron

I hit my forehead with one hand as I signal for a cab deciding at the last minute not to ride with Esteban. Wouldn’t that just be another way of giving in to what he wants? with the other and try to keep the tears at bay. It is becoming too much. I don’t know how the hell things spiraled out of control so fast. One minute I am seeing him for the first time at work, then the next thing you know he is hiring me protection. And he is fucking me against the door and couch of his office. Where did the control of my life go?

Sitting in the back of the cab, I pull out my phone when I hear it buzz. Should have known it was Esther.

Bestie: Soooo did it go? Did he fall at your knees and claim his undying love for you?

I roll my eyes. This girl and her Hallmark/Lifetime Movies. Shaking my head, I answer her back.

Me: Not exactly.

Bestie: Oooo… do tell. What happened?

Me: Well, I will only say no yelling happened. At least not that kind anyway. Now I’m late for work and don’t have time to come back and get ready. Can you bring me a change of clothes?

Bestie: Of course! But only if you agree to tell me all the deets. Deal?

Me: Fine.

She is lucky I love her. I look up and see we are pulling up in front of the restaurant. Handing the cab driver some money, I hop out, run inside, and clock in with one minute to spare. I am in the process of tying my apron around my waist when I hear Satan speak.

“Do you think you are so special that you get to come in at whatever time you want, and dressed like a gangbanger at that? What the hell is going on?” He bellows his disgusting breath in my face. His huge gut is bumping up against me and pushes me back into the wall.

“I’m sorry Mr. Rater. I lost track of time during a meeting. As you can see, I came straight here so I wouldn’t be late. My roommate is bringing me a change of clothes. Sir.” I say trying to turn my face towards the wall away from his without being rude. I clock in with one minute to spare. But he has a strict no street clothes policy. He says it makes us look like a cheap dive.

“I am supposed to write you up and you know that. Maybe, you could give me a little…treat, I might be persuaded not to.” His hand moves the hair off of my face. I can feel the bile forming in my stomach and threatening to come up if I don’t find a way to move.

“Frannie we got two more tables.” Lisa, one of the other waitresses’ calls. He steps back, but not before sniffing the side of my neck.

“Go. For now,” he calls as I skitter away. I can feel little creepy crawlies moving around on my skin. It begins itching and all I can think of is trying to remove any trace of him being near me.

“Thanks so much, Lisa. I didn’t know how I was going to remove myself from there without losing my job.” I say to her as I grab my pad and pencil.

“No problem girl. That asshole is gross. I wouldn’t wish him on the nastiest hooker. Stay away from him.” She winks at me and walks towards her table. I take a deep breath and walk out on the floor to begin my day.Ugh. I hear the chime above the door ring all the way from the breakroom, signaling we have another customer. I am freaking exhausted. It has been a hell of a day. We had a couple get into a fight in the dining room. The girl was slapping him while he was choking her. Jimmy from the grill had to come out and break it up, before putting them out of the restaurant. Esther made it in with my clothes and decided not to leave. Instead she waited for me to get a break in my schedule so I would give her the ‘juice’, as she calls it. I chuckle shaking my head.

My boss has been eyeing me all day, giving me the heebie-jeebies. It doesn’t help being distracted thinking about the feel of Baron inside me, taking me as if he owns me. Hell, doesn’t he? The rest of the day was quiet, but busy. Here I am at my last hour, rubbing my feet in the back, and I hear the chimes. Lisa has already left, leaving the last hour to me. Oh well. Might as well get it done.

The first thing I notice is that Esther is no longer at the table she has been at all day. I am about to sigh at her going home, when I hear laughter coming from my left. Turning to take the order form that table, I stop dead in my tracks when I see it is Baron. I recognize his brother Marquise from google and Esther are all at the table. Great. Just what I need for the last hour of work.