Page 27 of Baron

“That’s our baby,” she whispers, squeezing my hand. I can tell she’s crying and fuck if I’m not having a hard time trying not to cry.

“Yes, it is Red,” I tell her, effectively choking back my tears.

“Very healthy heartbeat. We are measuring at twelve weeks. I’ll print out some pictures for you and get you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. I’ll want to see you monthly unless you feel like something isn’t right. In the end, you are the one carrying this baby. If anything feels weird or even off, call and let us know. I’ll fit you in. Now, do you have any questions?”

“No, I think I’m good. Do you have any questions, Baron?” Frannie asks.

“No, I am good too,” I say, leaning down and kissing her forehead.

“Alright, well if you guys think of something, just give me a call.

‘Thank you, Doctor James,” I say, shaking her hand.

“See you next month,” she says before leaving the room. I help her get dressed and we leave.

“I want to tell people right away,” Frannie says, practically bouncing in her seat.

“Alright. Let me text my mom and see if we can head out there now. I am sure my brothers can be there as well.” Getting the go-ahead from mom, we head out to the suburbs.

Somehow, Mom manages to put together an entire meal on short notice. A giant roast beef with all the fixings is ready by the time we get there. Princeton and Duke are already there. Marquis is here too, with the girl from behind the dumpster. Chrissy. I gotta say she looks a helluva lot better than she did that day, and much happier too. I am glad that Marquis was able to get through to her.

As soon as we sit down, Frannie clears her throat. “We have some news,” she says.

“You do? Did you buy a new house?” Dad asks.

“No, nothing like that. I’m pregnant.”

“Oh my God. What amazing news, but what does this mean for the wedding?”

“What do you mean?” Frannie asks.

“Well, no grandchild of mine should be born out of wedlock,” Mom says. Of all the things I thought she would say, that is not what I was not expecting.

“Geez, Mom. What a weird thing to say,” I tell her.

“Of course, I am happy. Ecstatic. But it’s true,” she says.

“What she means is,” Dad begins.

“I said what I meant, Kiernan.”

“Alright, everyone calm down. We still have six months before the wedding,” I say.

“Let’s move it up,” Frannie says.

“What?” I ask, looking at her.

“It’s stressing me out anyways. Let’s get married next week. I don’t care if anyone is there but us and Esther.”

“Yes. Do invite Esther,” Duke says hastily, causing Frannie to grin.

“Don’t do this because you think you have to, Red,” I say leaning closer to her.

“No, really. I thought I wanted a big wedding, but I really don’t. It’s too much work. Something small and intimate is better.”

“If you are sure?” I ask.

“I’m sure.”

With the matter settled, Frannie, Chrissy, and Mom get to work on it. They leave the table together, while my brothers, dad, and I finish our meal.

“Congrats, bro,” Princeton says, pouring more wine.

“Yeah. Great news, little bro,” Duke says.

“Are you prepared for this?” Dad, my voice of reason, asks.

“I am, very much so. I’m happy.”

“I’m glad. I hear babies are hard work. I never had one as you know, but I’ve heard things.”

“I’ve heard that too, Baron,” Marquis says somberly. “You are entering new territory for us. You’ll have to tell us how it really is… so we can be prepared,” he says showing us a side I’ve never seen from him, uncertainty.

“I think we can handle it,” I say chuckling.

Less than three days later, we are standing in front of the pastor of the church I’ve been going to since I was adopted. My beautiful bride is standing next to me in a long white gown. She is so fucking beautiful and about to be all mine. Suddenly, all I can think about is how I am now responsible for two additional lives and all that entails. I am beyond ready to be her husband, lover, and protector until the end of time.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride,” the pastor says.

Thank fuck. I kiss her hard and we walk down the aisle hand in hand. Our reception is really more of a brunch with just my immediate family. We didn’t have time to invite the society people my parents normally would, and they were fine with it. Besides, I have three brothers to fulfill that role for them.

After we eat, we head home. Our honeymoon to Paris isn’t until next week, but for now I can’t wait to get home and make love to my wife.

I can’t wait to see what the rest of our life has in store for us.