Page 17 of Baron

“Count on it,” I say loud enough for her to hear. She turns to look at me, rolls her eyes, and flounces that perfect ass inside the building.At the end of her shift, I am waiting for her to finish stacking the chairs by the door. Outside, on the street, she takes a deep breath and releases it. It is as if she is relieved her shift is finally over. One more reason to quit if you ask me.

When she is finally able to leave, I help as she gets into the backseat of my car. Without having to give the instructions again in front of Frannie, my driver heads for my home.

“I thought you were taking me home,” she says as we head in the opposite direction of her place.

“We have things to discuss,” I remind her.

“You really want to fight about this at one in the morning?” she asks pointedly.

“I only want to be with you, Frannie. If fighting will accomplish that, I’ll take it.”

“You’re crazy, Baron Roades.”

“That very well may be Frannie, but you like my crazy.”

“God help me, but I do,” she reluctantly admits, causing me to chuckle.

“We’ll be at my place shortly,” I tell her.

“I remember, Mr. Fancy Pants,” she says giggling.

Pulling her closer to me, I wrap my arm around her shoulders, and she snuggles into my chest.

“So, you’ll quit?” I ask and she stiffens. Before she can say anything to negate that, I kiss her breathless. I know that I am in for a fight, but right now more than anything I want her lips under my own.Chapter TenFrannieI am trying to keep my head on straight and stay focused. The need to keep taking deep breaths to both calm down and clear the fog of lust that is currently clouding around me. I have spent most of the ride squirming in my seat, wanting to finish what he started in the alley behind my job. But now, as we pull into the driveway of his penthouse, I can't help but be a bit annoyed.

“You look like you have something to say to me?” He asks, as he opens the car door for me.

“I certainly do, mister. And I think it’s best we are inside your place first.” I try hiding the smile on my face at his chuckle.

I need to remain serious. If this crazy, ridiculous, and makes no sense thing between us is going to have a chance, I need for him to understand a few things. Getting on the elevator, I stand as far away from him as possible. No distractions.

“After you, baby.” He extends his arm leading me into his place. I love coming here. More than I should.

“Can I get you something to drink?” Turning to face him, I square my shoulders and charge straight ahead. The longer I take to confront him, the more likely he will sway me with his…charm.

“No thank you. What I would like is for you to stop trying to get me to quit my job. I can’t quit, Baron. I need this job. It is the only way I can pay for college.” Surely, he can understand that.

“Oh. That’s all? Tell me how much and I will send a check to the school.” Once again, he has managed to stun me. Is he serious? Is it nuts that I am considering letting him?

“Why are you fighting us, Red?” I have been asking myself the same thing and I keep coming up with the same answers.

“I am trying to hold on to who I am, Baron. You are too much. Moving too fast. I need you to give me time. Some space even. I need to get used to...well...all this. I mean, none of it makes sense. But I am finding a way to understand what’s happening. Every time you bombard me, all I want to do is run.” I spit this information out fast and without holding back. It scares me that I might stop myself from telling him how I feel. What he needs to hear. He sits, more like slumps onto the stool and I begin to feel bad.

“I’m sorry, Red. I... I’m sorry. I don’t want to push you away. It’s a problem I have. When I want something, I grab a hold of it and don’t let go. I don’t give it air to breathe or space to move. My mom says I have been this way ever since she has known me. I guess it comes from knowing that my own birth mother didn’t bother trying to hold onto me. She gave me up like I was nothing to her. I was barely a few hours old when she left me on the steps of the firehouse.” I can see the pain taking hold of him and my heart begins to break. This beautiful, caring, stifling, and sexy man is holding so much inside. Like me. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.