I leaned forward, intrigued. “Really?”
“It started in 1919, and construction took thirteen years as builders were mostly using crude equipment like picks, shovels, and carts. Dynamite was available, but it was used sparingly as detonations still triggered PTSD in some of the just-returned soldiers, though they didn’t use that term back then, of course.”
As Danny told us more, then launched into an explanation of the area’s geological past, Ocean’s hand slipped into mine. I leaned sideways against him, putting my head on his shoulder.
I’d never known I possessed the capacity to be this happy.
We ate lunch at an overlook, munching on brie and crackers while we couldn’t take our eyes off the vista before us.
Apollo Bay was a cute little town nestled against the coastline like a child curled against its mother. Its weathered buildings were painted cheerful colors that reminded me of sea glass. As we wandered through the streets, Ocean’s enthusiasm was contagious.
“Let’s check this one out.” He tugged me toward a weathered blue storefront withCoastal Treasurespainted in swooping white letters across the window. The enthusiasm radiating off him made it impossible to resist, even though shopping for knick-knacks wasn’t usually my thing.
Inside, the scent of sandalwood and sea salt wrapped around us. Ocean moved through the cramped space like water finding its path, touching everything—shells strung into wind chimes that tinkled softly, smooth pieces of driftwood carved into dolphins and whales, jars of golden honey with labels boasting local wildflowers.
“Oh, this is gorgeous.” He lifted a massive piece of wall art, a surfboard decorated with an intricate ocean scene. “The local guy who makes these uses reclaimed boards. Each one tells its own story like the waves carved it themselves.”
I smiled at his reverence for it all. “You really love this stuff, don’t you?”
“It’s not about the stuff. It’s about the soul of this place. Every shop and person here is connected to the sea somehow. You can feel it, right? The way everything flows together?”
Funnily enough, I did, and I also felt how connected he was to all of it.
Despite wanting to see all the shops, Ocean did keep track of the time. After an hour, he said we had to keep going, so we headed back to the car, where Danny was patiently waiting for us. As we continued our scenic drive, we stopped multiple times to admire and take pictures, including more selfies of the two of us. The sun was starting her descent, and I never wanted this day to end.
In which we see more of the ocean and more of Ocean…and both are equally stunning.
“Next up isa short walk through a rainforest,” Ocean said.
“A rainforest?” I frowned. “Australia has a rainforest?”
“It has a lot of them, actually. Most are in Queensland and some in Tasmania, but there’s a small one along this coast in Great Otway National Park. I wanted you to experience what it’s like. The birds… You’ve never heard anything like it.”
As always, his enthusiasm was contagious, and by the time Danny parked the car, I was ready. I now understood why Ocean had told me to wear long pants and long sleeves, along with hiking shoes. Shoes I hadn’t owned, I might add, but had magically appeared in my closet. Ocean really was amazing.
The path into the rainforest was like stepping into another world. The air grew thick and heavy with moisture, wrapping around us like a warm blanket. Towering ferns unfurled above our heads, their delicate fronds creating intricate patterns against the filtered sunlight.
“Listen,” Ocean whispered, his hand squeezing mine.
The cacophony of bird calls was unlike anything I’d ever heard—sharp trills, melodic whistles, and sounds that seemed almost mechanical. It was a symphony of the wild, echoing through the canopy above.
“That’s incredible.” I peered through the dense foliage, trying to spot the source of the calls.
“Right? It’s like nature’s own surround sound system.” Ocean’s eyes sparkled with joy as he guided me along the wooden boardwalk. “And look up there.”
He pointed to where vines twisted around massive tree trunks, creating natural sculptures no human artist could replicate. The forest floor was a riot of fallen leaves and moss-covered logs, creating an earthy perfume that filled my nostrils.
“You know what’s funny?” I ducked under a low-hanging branch. “I’ve traveled all over the world for business, but I’ve never really stopped to experience places like this. It’s always been about the next meeting, the next deal.”
Ocean’s thumb traced circles on my palm. “The ocean might be my first love, but places like this? They remind me there’s magic everywhere if we slow down enough to notice it.”
A flash of crimson caught my eye. A parrot? It disappeared too quickly for me to be sure. The boardwalk curved ahead, disappearing into more lush greenery. What other wonders did this hidden world hold?
As we ventured deeper into the rainforest, the temperature dropped noticeably. The canopy above grew denser, creating an ethereal green glow that made everything seem mystical. Ocean’s hand remained a steady anchor, guiding me around corners and over exposed roots that had begun to encroach on the boardwalk.
“Watch your step here,” he warned, steadying me as I navigated a particularly slippery section. “The morning dew makes everything treacherous until the sun hits it.”