“Absolutely,” she said.
Ocean Levine. Something tickled at the back of my brain, the idea that I had met him before coming back in full force. Palmer Levine. Oh shit. “You’re Preston’s son.”
Preston Levine, my once best friend who had screwed me over so hard and deep that even now, fifteen years later, his betrayal still lay bitter on my tongue.
Ocean met my eyes. “Yes.”
“That’s why you recognized me.”
He snorted. “I haven’t seen you since I was, what, eight or nine years old?”
“Your father never mentioned me?”
Ocean hesitated, and for the first time, his open expression clouded over. “He used to.”
Not anymore then. I guessed he wasn’t as affected by our parting then as I was because I often thought of him, wondering where things had gone so horribly wrong. Or how I could’ve misjudged him so badly, thinking he was my friend.
“Is it a problem for you?” Ocean asked.
Was it? I didn’t even know where to start on that one. Ocean had complications written all over him, but that had never stopped me before. Of course I could also use this situation to my advantage. What better revenge than fucking Preston’s son?
Shame filled me at the thought. How could I even consider it? I was better than that. I might not have high standards when it came to sex, and I could certainly be described as indiscriminate in choosing my partners, but I’d never used sex as a tool. Yeah, a tool in the sense of releasing pent-up frustration, but never more than that.
“You have a good poker face,” Ocean said. “I can’t tell at all what you’re thinking, and I’m usually pretty good at reading people.”
“It comes in handy in my world.”
“I bet. It’s hard to negotiate with a man when he provides you with zero clues on what he’s thinking.”
Funny, but I liked the idea of Ocean studying me with that much scrutiny. “Is that what we’re doing here, negotiating?”
Another shrug. “You tell me. I’m still awaiting your verdict on whether my parentage is an issue for you.”
“It’s not a problem for you?”
“I couldn’t possibly care less about my father or his opinions on anything, let alone my personal life and choices.”
Of course. “You’re gay. Or at least, not straight.”
I should at least allow for the possibility that he was pan or bi.
“Gay, and yes. I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on you.”
No, it wasn’t, yet it filled me with sadness too. Ocean deserved better. The very least parents could do was love their children unconditionally. That seemed like too much to ask for many though, including Preston. Asshole.
“No, your parentage is not an issue for me.”
I’d made up my mind. We’d keep Preston out of this—whatever this was.
“So, Cash,” Ocean said, turning those piercing eyes on me. “What brings a high-flying businessman like yourself to Melbourne? I’m assuming it’s a business deal?”
I chuckled. “How did you guess?”
“Let’s just say you’ve got that ‘important man on an important mission’ vibe,” he teased, his knee brushing against mine.
“Guilty as charged. It’s a business trip, though my assistant is on my ass about squeezing in some downtime.”
Ocean leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Well, if you need a tour guide, I happen to know all the best spots. Both on and off the beaten path.”