I left the Krause Group building with James’s words echoing in my mind. It was a stark reminder of what mattered in life beyond balance sheets and business deals. I thought back to my conversation with Oliver earlier. His surprise at my weekend sightseeing, his genuine excitement about Ocean… When was the last time I’d allowed myself to truly experience life outside of work?
The realization hit me like a punch to the gut. I’d been so focused on building my empire, on maintaining control, that I’d walled myself off from real connections. Sure, I had hookups, but when was the last time I’d let anyone get close to me? I’d told myself it was what I wanted, what was needed, but was that really true? Or had I just been scared?
Ocean’s face flashed in my mind—his youthful energy, his infectious laughter, his care for me. For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine what it might be like to have someone like that in my life regularly. Not for a month-long fling, but…
I shook my head, trying to clear the thought. It was ridiculous. I was too old, too set in my ways. Wasn’t I?
But James’s words kept coming back to me. Life was precious, unpredictable. Was I really living mine to the fullest?
As the car pulled up to the Queen Victoria Hotel, a strange anticipation brewed inside me. For the first time in years, I was genuinely uncertain about what the future held. And oddly enough, that uncertainty didn’t terrify me.
It excited me.
In which I expand my culinary horizons…and encounter a ghost.
I was notthe most adventurous eater. With work being my focus, I didn’t have time for a lot of experimenting, so I usually stuck with what I knew. Whenever Oliver ordered food for me, he picked from a list of restaurants I had, for lack of a better word, approved. So when Ocean suggested Vietnamese, my first instinct had been to say no. I like pho, but that was it, and something told me Ocean would push me far outside my comfort zone.
But then I’d reconsidered. Ocean was helping me open up to many new experiences, and so far, all of those had been positive. Maybe I should also give this a try. And so I said yes, and Ocean’s proud smile was a reward already.
The restaurant he’d picked was a hole-in-the-wall place tucked away on a hidden laneway, and without him, I would’ve never found it. Ocean’s hand rested on my lower back as he guided me to a cozy corner table on the restaurant’s outdoor patio. His touch—protective yet possessive—sent a shiver up my spine.
We settled into our seats. In New York, I hated outside dining since you were surrounded by honking horns and choking exhaust fumes. But here, a gentle breeze carried the tantalizing aroma of lemongrass and star anise, making my mouth water. The soft murmur of conversation and clinking glasses created a soothing ambiance, and the temperature had cooled off enough that it was pleasant.
Ocean flashed me a dazzling grin as he picked up the menu. “So, Cash, ready to expand your culinary horizons?”
“I’ve had Vietnamese before. There’s a place close to my office that makes great pho. I have it for lunch at least every other week.”
“Let me guess, always the same kind?”
I shifted in my seat. “Is it wrong to save time by developing habits and routines?”
His expression softened and he reached for my hand. “No, and I shouldn’t get on your ass about that. It’s easy for me to say when I don’t have your schedule or level of work and stress.”
I breathed out, relaxing my shoulders. “Thank you. I don’t like the idea of being boring. Even if I am…a little.”
“Boring?” Ocean let go of my hand and studied me, cocking his head. “You’re not boring. Safe, that’s what you are. You play it safe.”
“Aren’t boring and safe the same thing?”
I’d expected him to make a joke, maybe even confirm they were and he was merely teasing me, but instead, his expression grew serious. “They’re not. Your need to play it safe comes from a very real fear, and I would never make light of that.”
A very real fear? What was he referring to? I was afraid to ask, and so I didn’t. “What do you recommend?” I asked instead, changing the topic back to the original one.
“If you want to be adventurous, try the squid ink noodles.”
My stomach did a little flip. “Challenge accepted,” I said with more bravado than I felt. “Though if I end up with black teeth, you’re paying for the dental work.”
Ocean threw his head back and laughed, the joyous sound warming me from the inside out. “Deal. And don’t worry, I’ll kiss it all better if you get ink on those luscious lips of yours.”
I flushed at his flirtatious tone, ducking my head to study the menu intently. Ocean had a way of making me feel simultaneously powerful and utterly vulnerable. For a moment, I let myself imagine a future filled with quiet moments like this—sharing meals, trading playful banter, simply enjoying each other’s company. It was a dangerous fantasy. I’d learned the hard way that happiness could be fleeting, that trust often led to betrayal. But something about Ocean made me want to lower my defenses, to dive headfirst into the unknown depths of what we could be together.
The waiter approached, jolting me from my reverie. As Ocean confidently ordered for both of us, even throwing in a few Vietnamese phrases to the delight of the waiter, I marveled at the enigma sitting across from me. Just when I thought I had him figured out, he revealed another hidden depth.
“You’re full of surprises,” I said once the waiter left. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
Ocean’s gaze softened as he reached across the table to brush his fingers against mine. “I’m still working on the whole mind-reading thing. But give me time, Cash. I intend to learn everything there is to know about you.”