I blinked and met Ocean’s sleepy but amused gaze. “Sorry, I was thinking. I hadn’t even noticed you were awake.”
“I’ll try not to take that personally.” He yawned, then stretched like a cat. The cover slid down, revealing a smooth, tanned chest with only a dusting of fine blond hairs. His pecs were beautifully defined, and without thinking, I let my hand slide across them.
Ocean made a sound awfully close to a purr, and I smiled as I gently pushed the covers lower. With every inch of skin revealed, my desire to see more of him only increased.
Ocean didn’t stop me, only watched me with half-lidded eyes still heavy with sleep. Tantalizingly slow, I tucked the covers farther down. His cock lay at half-mast against his stomach, growing more rigid as I watched. He had little hair there too, though whether he manscaped or was naturally smooth, I wasn’t sure.
“You’re stunning,” I said hoarsely. “Absolutely fucking stunning.”
“Thank you.”
He gave himself a lazy tug, a sexy smile playing on his lips. “Tell me what you like.”
“Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you were after.”
“In bed, Cash. Tell me what you like in bed, what turns you on, what you do and don’t like to do.”
“I’m vers, though I usually top out of convenience. But I can appreciate a good, hard dicking.”
“Fuck yeah. I have no gag reflex, and I like it rough both ways, providing my partner can take it.”
Ocean’s eyes lit up. “I’ll have to test that lack of gag reflex for myself sometime soon. Do you swallow?”
Jesus, what was with all the detailed questions? I knew there was something to be said for open communication, but what about spontaneity and discovery? “If I’m in the mood…and never after dinner.”
Ocean chuckled. “Good to know. Do you use condoms?”
“Usually, yes, but not always. I get tested every month and I’m on PrEP, so if I know I can trust someone, I don’t see the need.”
“Same. What about kink? You ever done any of that? You know, handcuffs, spanking, maybe some sex toys or role-play?”
His tone was casual, but his gaze was anything but, his eyes studying me as if I were a creature under a microscope. Could he see the unease I felt? Was he picking up on the way my stomach clenched as memories of what I’d shared with Victor flooded me?
I cleared my throat. “Some, but that was a long time ago.”
He let go of his cock and propped himself up on his elbow. “Interesting. What did you do back then?”
I had to keep my cool. If I showed any reluctance in answering this, he’d know something was up. So I gave a casual shrug. “Nothing extreme. We experimented with some stuff.”
“I see. Anything in particular that you liked?”
I could see myself across Victor’s lap, my red ass sticking into the air as he brought me back to earth after spanking me until I lost control of everything. But how could I admit that? I wasn’t so set in my role patterns that I thought my being so much older than him meant I should always be in charge. Confessing how much I had liked surrendering was something else though. I couldn’t give Ocean that power.
“It was a long time ago,” I finally said, the implication that I didn’t remember unspoken.
“We’ll have to do some experimenting of our own then.”
Oh, fuck no. If we did that, he’d figure out the truth in no time. “Or we could, you know, have spectacular sex. Nothing wrong with plain vanilla, right?”
“Sure,” Ocean agreed easily, and I breathed out in relief. “To start with anyway.”
To start with? What was it with him and this kink experimenting? Why was he so hell-bent on trying that? But if I asked him, it would only draw more attention to how much I didn’t want to engage in any of it, which in turn would lead to more questions I had no intention of answering. So I let it go and didn’t say anything.
“How about we start by testing your gag reflex?” Ocean suggested, and I could’ve wept with relief at the more than welcome change in topic.
“I’m game for that.”