Page 80 of Husband Missing

It worked. When she spoke next, Erica’s tone wasn’t so agitated. “It doesn’t seem like you do.”

“Then tell me,” Gretchen said as if they had all day. As if she wasn’t a detective questioning Erica about a murder. They were just two women having a conversation. Two women who recognized the damage in one another, if only for a moment, because there was no mistaking it. Under all her bravado, Erica was damaged. Even if Alec hadn’t told them, Josie would have seen it for herself. She had no doubt that Gretchen had let Erica see the same in her own eyes, even if it was just for a moment.

Gretchen was attempting to build trust and then, at some point, she’d circle back to her original avenue of inquiry: the man who had stabbed Gina Phelan. Josie appreciated the strategy but with every minute that passed without his name, her anger threatened to burn her alive. Every inch of her skin was on fire. She tried her four-seven-eight breathing.

Erica released her necklace and reached for the can of Cherry Coke. “My dad? He’s not really my dad. I mean, he’s my real dad for sure but he’s not my bio-dad.”

While Josie hadn’t shared the story behind Alec’s embezzlement, she had briefed Gretchen on the fact that he had adopted Erica. Despite that, Gretchen played along as if she didn’t know, letting Erica talk and get comfortable. “Alec isn’t your biological father?”

Erica snapped the tab on the soda and took a sip. “He’s actually my uncle but he’s the best. There is no better person than him. I don’t deserve him. His life was ruined all because of me.”

“I’m sure that’s not true,” Gretchen said, probably thinking Erica referred to Alec having to adopt her.

Josie could tell from the way Erica furtively swiped at a tear rolling down her cheek that she was talking about the blackmail and embezzlement scheme. She’d taken the photos that started it all but what she didn’t understand was that it wasn’t her fault. She’d been an innocent kid. Lila had preyed on her.

“Thanks for saying that.” Erica stared at the soda can. “But it’s true. What I did to him—I thought I could make it right, but I messed it up. Big.”

Josie frowned, her fury tempered momentarily. On the screen, Gretchen did as well.

Erica forced a smile and started speaking again, her words coming out more quickly. “I just never had anyone take care of me like him, so I didn’t know how to act. My mom was always…I don’t know. I thought she was so great ’cause she was the only thing I ever knew but thinking back, she wasn’t the person I thought she was.”

“In what way?” asked Gretchen.

Erica shrugged. “She did some messed-up stuff. She could be mean. Scary mean. Not all the time. She also made me feel important and special. I used to think it was because she loved me but now, I wonder if she only treated me that way because I lovedherso much. I did everything I could to try to make her happy and she didn’t even do the things any parent should do. I was always cold and hungry. My clothes never fit right. Neither did my shoes.”

“Lots of parents want to provide those things but can’t,” Gretchen said. “They just don’t have the resources.”

“That wasn’t it,” Erica scoffed. “Let me tell you a story that sums up my mom. She had a nickname for me: Bug. My whole life I thought it was short for ‘Lovebug.’ Then she left me for good and I had to live with my bio-dad. I barely remembered him. He wasn’t bad but I was really messed up in the head and he didn’t know what to do with a kid. Anyway, one time we were talking and the nickname came up. I said Bug was short for Lovebug—and he laughed at me. He said she started calling me that as soon as I was born because I was ugly, like a bug.”

Gretchen remained silent.

“I thought my mom was good.” Erica’s index finger circled the top of the can. “But she wasn’t. The worst part was all the creepy guys coming around constantly. She never even tried to keep them away from me.”

Josie flinched involuntarily, that admission hitting too close to home.

“Is that when you learned to take care of yourself?” asked Gretchen. “Not let anyone hurt you?”

“Oh, long before that,” Erica smiled, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “As shitty as my mom was, she taught me well.”

Turner’s phone chirped. He swore. Then his fingers dug into Josie’s shoulder, and he hauled her up out of her chair. She clawed at his hand. “What the hell, douchebag?”

“Heather Loughlin is here,” he said, pushing her toward the door. “She’s on her way up with the Chief. You need to leave right now.”

Josie resisted, trying to free herself from his grip. “Turner, this interview isn’t even close to being finished.”

“So what? You can’t stay for the rest of it.”

Noah had been missing for seventy hours. “Erica Slater is lying!”

“No shit, sweetheart.”

“You see,” said Erica. “All those pervs thought I was so innocent and sweet just because I was a little kid.”

“Her phone,” Josie protested. “You need to?—”

Her words were lost as Turner pushed her roughly behind him. Slowly, he opened the door and peeked into the hallway.

“You weren’t innocent and sweet?” Gretchen prodded.