“Does she know this isn’t your place?” I ask.
“No idea. It was my first time meeting her. Why?”
I consider my options and what I should or shouldn’t divulge. Roman might be the closest thing I have to family, but even then, things with Tate have never been black and white. After the bonfire? They’re grayer than ever.
“There a problem, Pax?” he questions.
Yeah. Yeah, there is.
My teeth grind, and I answer, “I know her.”
“Well, yeah. She’s your cleaning?—”
“I mean from outside of her profession.”
A divot forms between his brows. “So?”
So, the little brat lied to me. Twice. No, three times. Four? Fuck, at this point, I’ve lost count.
I’m an idiot. She lives here. Works here. And she honestly thought I’d let her get away with lying to my face after giving me a blow job and a fake number? Yeah, don’t think I haven’t already tried contacting her after our little rendezvous on the beach.
Not a chance.
Rubbing my jaw, I tuck my phone back in my pocket, stride toward him, sit on the opposite couch, and rest my elbows on my knees. “I’m gonna need you to do me a favor.”
“I got you,” he offers without any hesitation. “What do you need?”
“If you see her, call me. And I mean immediately. Do not let her out of your sight. We clear?”
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks, man. I owe you.”
“Two times,” he clarifies.
My brows pull. “What do you mean?”
“Aren’t you gonna ask why I’m here?”
Suspicion winds its way up my spine, and I ask, “Why are you here?”
Setting his feet back on the coffee table, Roman hooks one ankle over the other, getting comfortable. “Jagger wants to see you fight.”
My eyes widen, but I stay quiet. Not gonna lie. When I last talked with Roman, I figured it was a moot conversation, especially considering my connection to Judge. There’s no way Jagger, Hawke, or Ford would want me anywhere near their extracurricular activities.
“What’s the catch, Rome?” I demand.
“No catch.”
“Don’t lie to me,” I warn.
“I’m not lying. Hell, I’m not even officially extending the offer…yet.”
“So, you might have an opening, but you’re not sure?”
“Depends on how well you show up in front of Jagger.” He shrugs. “My word only goes so far, and it’s been a few years since I’ve seen you brawl.”
Me and him both.