Are you in on the lie, Baby?
By the look on her face as soon as I said Tatum’s husband’s name, I’m gonna go with yes. Maybe she’s covered for Tatum’s infidelity more times than she can count and doesn’t know what to say now that someone’s called her out for it. Or maybe I’m missing something.
Trying to keep my frustration in check, I ask, “Who’s she talking to?”
The worry lines around her eyes soften as she follows my gaze again and shrugs. “No idea.”
“You don’t know?” I ask.
“I didn’t hear his name. He’s”—she waves her hand toward the guy she was talking to when I approached—“what’s his name’s friend.”
“So, fucking anyone with a dick behind her husband’s back is a habit of hers, huh?” I turn back to Tatum, hating how she’s only grown prettier. And my memory of her? Fuck, it doesn’t even hold a candle to how gorgeous she is. My blood rushes south, and I throttle my beer bottle even more, hating my physical response.
Reaching for my arm, Rory twists me toward her. “What are you talking about?”
“What do you mean, what am I talking about?”
“I mean, you’re not making any sense. No offense,” she rushes out.
Of course not.
I bite back my scoff and try to focus on what really matters. “Rory, is Tate still married or not?” I demand.
Her brows dip in confusion. “Tate?”
With a look making me feel like I’ve grown a second head, she shakes her head. “Tate was never married.”
Feeling like a broken record, I shove my confusion aside and ask, “She’s not married?”
The girl must have the patience of a saint as she gives me a kind smile and touches my forearm gently. “Tate is most definitelynotmarried.”
“So, she’s single?”
“Yes?” It comes out as a question, and she laughs. “Tate’s always single.”
I repeat the words in my head, analyzing them for any hidden meaning, but I come up empty. She’s single. She isn’t married. Isn’t even dating anyone. Was never dating anyone, by the sound of things. So, what the hell?
Jaw tight, I look down at Rory again and cock my head. “Always, huh?”
“Yup.” She shrugs. “Just like the men she hooks up with, so I guess it’s a win-win for everyone.”
A win-win for everyone.
Everyone but me, since she lied to my face.
What. The actual. Fuck?
“And here I thought I was special,” I mutter. The world feels like it’s spinning as I glance at Tatum again. Her skin glows from the bonfire, making her look…untouchable, almost. Dressed in black. The sliver of skin peeking from between her low cut jeans and crop top. “She was never engaged, was she,” I murmur.
It isn’t a question, and honestly, I don’t even mean to say it aloud, but it slips out anyway. She was never engaged.
Never. Fucking. Engaged.
“What are you talking about?” Rory asks.
I grit my teeth to keep from spilling anything else. “Nothing.”