“You, too.” She looks up from her phone. “Oh, and one more thing.”
“Will you make sure the gate closes behind you when you come in? My client might enjoy the limelight, but having the paparazzi on his private property might put a damper on his day, you know what I mean?”
Enjoys the limelight? Who is the guy?
I stick a pin in the owner’s identity and pick up the bucket and rags. “Got it.”
“Thanks again, Tatum,” she adds.
“No problem.”
After tossing my supplies into the back of Rory’s car, I turn the ignition on and back down the driveway when my phone rings.
“Hey,” I answer. “Perfect timing. I just finished.”
“Yay, me, too,” Rory replies. “What do you want to do tonight?”
“I’m not sure. Are you going to be too busy to hang out with me like you were this entire week or…?”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you decided to pop in and turn my life upside down at the drop of a hat, missy.”
“Touché,” I cave as I pull onto the main road. The sun is setting. Different shades of purple and orange paint the sky as a plume of smoke catches my attention.
“What’s that?” I ask.
“What’s what?”
“It looks like there’s a bonfire at the beach.”
“Oh. Yeah, some of the locals throw parties on the beach when the weather’s nice. Once it gets cold, The Pelican’s theplace to be, but during the warmer months, it’s usually a toss up between the beach and the bar,” Rory explains.
“So, are we going?”
“You’re not exhausted?”
“Of course, I’m exhausted.” I laugh. “But when has that ever stopped me from going to a party?”
I swear I can hear Rory’s eyes roll through my cell, and she replies, “One day, you’re going to find a guy who convinces you to slow down and breathe.”
“It’s cute how you think that’s true,” I tease.
“A girl can hope.”
“So, is that a yes? You’ll go with me?” I prod.
Rory pauses.
“Please?” I beg. “Or we can dye our hair green…”
“What are you talking about?”
“When I was cleaning, I found an unopened bottle of green dye at the house and?—”
“That’s stealing!”
“It was in the trash!”